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Flow Control Using for

In lesson 6 we learned about ways to control execution flow using if and while statements. In this lesson, we'll cover Python's for statement.

for is for sequences

In other programming languages, for statements are frequently used in a pattern something like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
        item = collection_of_items[i];
        // do something with item

There are certainly other ways for could be used in those languages, but probably the majority of uses look like that: index over some numeric range, start, start + 1, ... and access items from some sequence collection.

Note that the same thing could also be done easily using a while loop.

Also note that the pattern above uses two variables in the loop: the counter, i, and item. item is what you want to manipulate in each loop; i is only used to access the item. What if there was a way to achieve the same thing with just one variable?

Welcome to Python's for statement! In Python, for is designed specifically to work with sequences, and allows you to loop through items in a sequence without needing a separate variable just to index the items.

A for statement is structured like this:

    for <vars> in <sequence_object>:
        <execution block>
        <execution block>

We'll start with the simplest form:

    for <var> in <sequence_object>:
        <execution block>

Earlier we learned about in as a comparison operator for testing if something is contained in a sequence. This is another use for in: to access the elements of a sequence within a for loop.

The sequence object can be any sequence-type object, or container-like object that supports iterating through contained items sequentially. You can use whatever variable name you want. On each loop, an element from the sequence is assigned to the variable, and execution block is executed.

The following example steps through the characters in a string:

>>> for char in "abc":
...     print(char)

It works the same way using a list or tuple.

>>> x = ["cat", "dog", "tarantula"]
>>> for pet in x:
...     print(pet)

for and ranges

In the previous lesson, we learned that ranges are a special kind of sequence. Ranges are immutable, like tuples, but they're much more limited: they can only hold sequences of numbers with a regular step interval. Ranges are mainly intended for use in for statements.

>>> for x in range(1,5):
...     print(x, "squared is", x**2)
1 squared is 1
2 squared is 4
3 squared is 9
4 squared is 16

When needed, we can use a range to provide a counter sequence and access items from a collection by index, as in for loops in other languages.

>>> x = ["cat", "dog", "tarantula"]
>>> for i in range(len(x)):
...     pet = x[i]
...     print(pet)

Using pass

A for loop must have a non-empty execution block; otherwise, you'll get an error. If for some reason you need to write a for statement but don't have an execution block, you can add a pass statement to avoid an error.

    for x in range(10):

Changing a sequence within the loop

In some situations, you may need to step through a list but then make changes to it without the loop. In any programming language, doing this kind of thing is bug prone and can be tricky to get right. In particular, as you step through a sequence, if you add or remove an item, then your counter gets out of sync with the sequence contents.

In Python, the sequence reference in the for statement is evaluated only once, before the first iteration. But it's identifying the sequence object at that point, not all the elements in the sequence. The implementation is stepping through elements by position. So, if the elements change while a loop is executed, the implementation know what position it's at, but not that the elements are changing. If an element is added within the loop, the runtime can get end up operating on the same element repeatedly. Or if an element is removed, then a following element in the sequence may be skipped.

Consider this example:

>>> my_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> for x in my_list:
...     my_list.remove(x)
>>> print(my_list)
[2, 4]

On the first iteration, 1 is removed. Right at that point, the current position within the sequence is pointing at the following element, 2. Then, for the next iteration, the runtime advances to the next element, which is 3. So, 2 gets skipped.

To avoid these kinds of problems, use a copy of the sequence in the for statement.

>>> my_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> for x in list(my_list):
...     my_list.remove(x)
>>> print(my_list)

Q: Why did that work?

The .remove() method takes an object reference, not a position in the sequence. But the runtime implementation of for is stepping through elements by position. In the original case, after 1 was removed, the objects referred to at each position changed. But in the second case, removing 1 from my_list doesn't affect the object references at each position of the copy. So the loop will execute once for all five elements. In each pass, .remove() will get an object reference and will look for that object within my_list, regardless of what position it's in at that point.

Nested loops

A common situation is to have a list of lists (or other type of sequence). You might need to loop through all the elements in each second-level list. That's easy to do by nesting a for loop inside a for loop.

>>> my_list = [[1,2], "cat", (3,4)]
>>> for x in my_list:
...     for y in x:
...         print(y)

In this example, the top-level list contains three sequence-type objects (that happen to be of different types). In the top-level for loop, x is assigned an element from the top-level sequence. And because x is a sequence object, it can be used as the sequence that is stepped through in the second-level for loop.

You can nest for loops as many levels deep as you need. But watch that you don't try to iterate over elements of an object that isn't a sequence. In the following example, one element in my_list is a sequence but the other is not. When the second element, 42 gets used in the second-level for loop as though it were a sequence, an error occurs:

>>> my_list = ["dog", 42]
>>> for x in my_list:
...     for y in x:
...         print(y)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

To handle that situation, we can add logic to check whether an element is a sequence or not:

>>> my_list = ["cat", 42]
>>> for x in my_list:
...     if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, str)):
...         for y in x:
...             print(y)
...     else:
...         print(x)

for... else

In Python, a for statement can have a following else. The else block is executed after the for loop has completed.

>>> for x in [1,2,3]:
...     print(x)
... else:
...     print("done!")

If it turns out the sequence in the for statement is empty, the else block will still be executed.

>>> a = ""
>>> for x in a:
...     print(x)
... else:
...     print("done!")

You might notice that the previous example could have been implemented without using else by raising the following print() statement out of the for construct as the next top-level statement.

>>> a = ""
>>> for x in a:
...     print(x)
... print("done!")

There's a signficant difference if a break statement is used within the loop, however. We'll cover that next.

break and continue

In the previous lesson, we saw that a while loop can include break or continue statements to alter the flow. These can also be used in for loops.

A break statement can be used within the for loop to exit early out of the loop if some condition is met. Any statements within the execution block that come after break are skipped. If there is an else block, that will also be skipped.

In the next example, the for statement is set up to loop over a long sequence of numbers. But within the loop, a condition is used to break out of the loop early.

>>> for x in range(1000):
...     if x == 3:
...         break
...     else:
...         print(x)
... else:
...     print("done!")

Note that the else block was not executed.

Within the loop, continue can be used to skip the remainder of the loop for that iteration. Flow will return to the top of the loop and continue with the next sequence element (if there is one).

The following example loops over a range and prints each number, but skip any number that is a multiple of 3.

>>> for x in range(10):
...     if x % 3 == 0:
...         continue
...     else:
...         print(x)
... else:
...     print("done!")

Note that the else block gets executed: continue never causes that to be skipped.

Using multiple element variables

Earlier we looked at using nested loops to interate over a list of lists. In some situations, you may have a list of sequences of some size, and want to operate all of the elements in those sequences together in the same loop, not one-by-one in separate loops. Consider this example:

>>> a = [(1, 'cat'), (2, 'toad'), (3, 'mouse')]
>>> for x in a:
...     print("item", x[0], 'is a', x[1])
item 1 is a cat
item 2 is a toad
item 3 is a mouse

The elements in list a are tuples. In the for statement, each tuple element gets assigned to x. Then within the loop, we index into the tuple to access elements as needed. A different way we could have done things is to use a multiple assignment statement within the loop to assign the tuple elements to different variables.

>>> a = [(1, 'cat'), (2, 'toad'), (3, 'mouse')]
>>> for x in a:
...     t1, t2 = x  # multiple variable assignment
...     print("got item", t1)
...     print("it's a", t2, "\n")
got item 1
it's a cat

got item 2
it's a toad

got item 3
it's a mouse

But notice we've used a spare variable, x, just as a means to get to assign the tuple elements to t1 and t2.

In Python, we can avoid that extra variable and do the multiple assignment directly in the for statement.

>>> a = [(1, 'cat'), (2, 'toad'), (3, 'mouse')]
>>> for t1, t2 in a:
...     print("got item", t1)
...     print("it's a", t2, "\n")
got item 1
it's a cat

got item 2
it's a toad

got item 3
it's a mouse

On each iteration of the loop, a tuple element is obtained from a and the elements are assigned to the tuple of variables t1, t2.

Our example has used a list of tuple elements, but any sequence type could be used.

Note, however: the number of variables and the length of each sequence object within the top-level sequence must always be the same. Otherwise, you'll get an error.

What's next

At this point, we've learned about a number of useful parts of Python. We're now ready to put some of these pieces together in a small program. We'll do just that in the next lesson.