Welcome to the "C Programming: From Zero to Hero" repository! This repository contains a series of 15 assessments designed to take you from a complete beginner to a proficient C developer. By completing these assessments, you will develop fundamental programming skills, understand key concepts in C, and learn how to solve real-world problems using this powerful language.
- Assessment 01: Hello World
- Assessment 02: Basic Arithmetic
- Assessment 03: Conditional Statements
- Assessment 04: Loops
- Assessment 05: Functions
- Assessment 06: Arrays
- Assessment 07: Pointers
- Assessment 08: Strings
- Assessment 09: Structs
- Assessment 10: File I/O
- Assessment 11: Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Assessment 12: Linked Lists
- Assessment 13: Recursion
- Assessment 14: Bitwise Operations
- Assessment 15: Project - Simple Shell
- Basic Syntax and Structure: Understanding the basic syntax, structure, and conventions in C programming.
- Control Flow: Mastering the use of conditional statements and loops.
- Functions: Learning how to define and use functions to organize code and avoid repetition.
- Data Structures: Working with arrays, pointers, strings, structs, and linked lists.
- Memory Management: Understanding dynamic memory allocation and deallocation using pointers.
- File Handling: Reading from and writing to files.
- Algorithmic Thinking: Developing problem-solving skills with recursion and bitwise operations.
- Project Development: Applying all your knowledge in a comprehensive final project.
By the end of this series, you'll have a strong foundation in C programming and be prepared to tackle more advanced topics or contribute to real-world projects.