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Releases: phpgt/Installer

"Run" server on other ports and hostnames

10 May 20:49
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The serve command has always had the ability to bind to a custom port and hostname with the -p|--port and -b|--bind arguments, and with this minor release, these two arguments have now been exposed on the run command.

To run your project on port 8765:

gt run -p 8765

Have fun!

Upgrade to PHP 7.4

30 Jan 21:47
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PHP 7.4 brings extra functionality implemented in phpgt/daemon - improvements to the way sub processes are executed.

CPU efficiency

19 Aug 09:30
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Running any long-running WebEngine commands is done within an infinite loop to allow the sub-processes to output their content to the terminal. This was a hog on the CPU, and required a microsleep between loop iterations. Simple fix with no backwards-breaking changes.

Removal of development dependencies

19 Jun 19:59
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The installer package has been updated to only require stable-released dependencies, which means that when using the gt create command, projects will have production stability by default.

Simplification and organisation of commands

10 Jun 14:59
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The way that commands are loaded in Cli applications has been improved and the changes from PHP.Gt/Cli have been implemented here.

Abstract WebEngine commands have been introduced which allow the gt commands to be called without any repetition of code.

New abstract Command class

14 Mar 15:37
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To help with readability, all of the behaviours of a Command must now be defined in the return of new get* functions on the base Command class.

This avoids having to remember all of the possible options to perform in the constructor. New functions include:

  • getName
  • getDescription
  • getRequiredNamedParameterList
  • getOptionalNamedParameterList
  • getOptionalParameterList
  • getRequiredParameterList

Pass blueprint as argument

07 Feb 18:49
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Even though there are only two blueprints so far, the functionality to create a project from a given blueprint has been added to this release.


gt create project-name --blueprint blueprint-name

Autoloader improvements

06 Feb 10:25
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To utilise this project as a standalone dependency, the script will be called as a dependency of the main Composer project on the development system. This release improves the loading of the Composer autoloader, allowing it to be used standalone or as a dependency.

First release

06 Feb 10:01
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The PHP.Gt Installer is a script intended to be installed globally using composer global require phpgt/installer. It makes the gt command available to your command line, in order to perform simple tasks like creating a new PHP.Gt WebEngine application.

In the v1 release, there are only two pieces of functionality:

  1. To call composer create-project to create new WebEngine applications from Blueprints.
  2. To pass through the gt-* commands available within WebEngine applications.

In total, the functionality at v1 is as follows:

$ gt
PHP.Gt Installer

Available commands:
 • create       Create a new WebEngine application
 • serve        Run a local HTTP server
 • build        Build the client-side files
 • run          Start a local server, cron and build runner
 • help         Display information about available commands