This library allows you to do a Device Firmware Update (DFU) of your nrf51 or nrf52 chip from Nordic Semiconductor. It works for both iOS and Android.
For more info about the DFU process, see: Resources
This is a fork from the main library!
If need the main documentation you can find it here.
This fork contains the latest verisons of iOSDFULibrary
& Android-BLE-Library
Install and link the NPM package per usual with
npm install --save
yarn add
For React Native below 60.0 version
react-native link react-native-nordic-dfu
Unfortunately, the ios project is written in Objective-C so you will need to use use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
Note: We are considering rewriting the ios module on Swift, but it depends very much on how much free time we have and how much we needed right now.
target "YourApp" do
pod "react-native-nordic-dfu", path: "../node_modules/react-native-nordic-dfu"
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
#import "RNNordicDfu.h"
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[RNNordicDfu setCentralManagerGetter:^() {
return [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:nil queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)];
// Reset manager delegate since the Nordic DFU lib "steals" control over it
[RNNordicDfu setOnDFUComplete:^() {
[RNNordicDfu setOnDFUError:^() {
- DFU Introduction
- Secure DFU Introduction
- How to create init packet
- nRF51 Development Kit (DK) (compatible with Arduino Uno Revision 3)
- nRF52 Development Kit (DK) (compatible with Arduino Uno Revision 3)