Once the basic setup is complete, the application will run with the following features disabled:
- Authentication / authorization is mocked, as there is no access to EntraID
- User assignment is not possible, due to the above
- Access to blob storage is disabled, for security reasons, so uploading and downloading files is not possible
This guide explains the additional configuration required on the web front-end to activate the features above.
A self-signed certificate is a prerequisite, and can be created by following this guide
To enable the features above, it is necessary for the front-end to run over HTTPS, so it can securely communicate with EntraID.
The front-end, which communicates with EntraID, requires additional web environment settings.
The back-end also requires additional api environment settings.
Some of these settings cannot be publicly disclosed, and need to be retrieved through the repository owner.
Direct communication with a shared Azure blob storage is not possible, for security reasons. However it is possible to run a blob storage emulator locally, to enable file upload and download functionality.