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AI Workshops

AI workshops to introduce the student to AI with exercises in notebooks.

You will need to install Jupyter Notebook. We recommend you also use Anaconda to avoid any dependencies issue.

In each directory, you will find the exercises, a README explaining the purpose of the workshop and the slides used during the workshop.

Python3 & Jupyter Notebook 🐍

Basics of python and usage of Jupyter Notebook. You will:

  • Learn to use iPython notebooks
  • Learn Python Syntax
  • Solve complex algorithm exercises
  • Master the different programming paradigms of Python

Data Science & Pandas basics 👨‍🔬

Basics of Data Science and introduce Pandas. You will:

  • learn to use Pandas
  • analyze huge datasets
  • clean datasets
  • visualize data analyses

PyTorch 🔦

Usage of PyTorch. You will:

  • create a model
  • solve fashion_mnist

Tensorflow 📙

Usage of Tensorflow. You will:

  • create a Sequential model
  • use Dense layers
  • predict house pricing
  • classify fashion_mnist
  • classify mnist

Convolution ⬛

Discover the effect and usage of convolution. You will:

  • understand the point to use convolutional neural network
  • use Conv2D
  • use Maxpooling2D

Gradio Interface 📱

  • Create a Gradio interface
  • Share your app on the Gradio platform

Q-Learning 🚙

Basics of Reinforcement Learning. You will:

  • use Gym environment
  • use Q learning
  • solve Frozen Lake


Advanced Reinforcement Learning. You will:

  • use Gym environment
  • use Deep Q Networks
  • solve Lunar Lander

Decision Tree 🌲

Discover one of the most popular supervised learning methods for classification problems. You will:

  • Use Scikit-learn
  • Create a Decision Tree
  • Create a Decision Tree Forest

Predict house price 🗺️

Use different machine learning techniques to predict house prices. You will:

  • Use Scikit-learn
  • Create neural networks with PyTorch
  • Evaluate your algorithms

Feel free to ask us any questions.

Link to every slides:


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