is the largest hungarian torrent side. This .NET Core 2.1 library helps to access its content (Torrent details, user Hit'n'Runs, Search for Torrent).
via NuGet
$ dotnet add package PoLaKoSz.NCore
using PoLaKoSz.Ncore;
using PoLaKoSz.Ncore.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
NcoreClient nCore = new NcoreClient();
// parameter values should be extracted from the cookies after logged in from a
// browser:
// constructor parameter cookie name
// nickName nick
// password pass
// phpSessionID PHPSESSID
nCore.Login.AuthenticateWith(new UserConfig(...))
ISearchResultContainer resultContainer = nCore.Search.List()
ISearchResultContainer matrixResultContainer = nCore.Search.For("The Matrix")
IEnumerable<DownloadedTorrent> hitAndRuns = nCore.HitAndRuns.List()
Torrent firstTorrent = nCore.Torrent.Get(2)