This document contains the instructions for hosting a KME3 server
Pocket Relay has a dockerfile in the root of the project this can be used to host the server within docker which requires no extra setup. The docker server can be configured using Environment Variables if you are using docker then you can skip all other portions of this guide
Docker pull command:
docker pull jacobtread/kme:latest
- The server executable (This can be found in the releases HERE)
- Minimum Java JDK 11 (If you would like to use another Java version you must recompile KME against that version) The following are some JDK's that I would recommend you use but you can also use OpenJDK if you wish
- Eclipse Adoptium (
- GraalVM (
Prepare a folder for you server. Depending on your configuration the server will generate both
a logs and a data folder along with a config.yml ensure that you have a location prepared for this
and make sure you set it to your working directory (Command is most likely cd
but use your systems command)
To start the server run the following command inside your terminal while in the same directory as the server.jar file
java -jar server.jar
If you have renamed the file you must replace server.jar with the new file name to make starting up the server easier you can use a shell / bash script to run this command for you.
That it your server is all up and running you can adjust the configuration file (config.yml) to change the server settings.
NOTE: You must restart the server to apply configuration changes
If you are looking for information on how to connect to the server now you can take a look at
Pocket Relay can be configured using environment variables. You can view a list of them at Environment Variables
In order for this server to be public available to non LAN devices you will need to forward the following ports
NOTE: If you have modified any of these ports in your configuration file excluding the redirector port then you will need to forward the port you changed it too instead
- 42127 (The redirector port)
- 14219 (The main server port this can be modified in the config)
- 80 (The http server port this can be modified in the config)
If your router asks you to specific which protocol is being forwarded you
should select TCP
if that's not available
Search online for guides on port forwarding for your specific router