- Added Pantry.remove() function to remove individual items from the Pantry cache.
- Added usage description of the function to the README.
- Added Mocha/Should tests for the remove() function, using a new testing JSON URL.
- Corrected some typos in the test file and extended some test timeouts as they were failing.
- Admin changes: bumped version number, added history changes and updated contributor list.
- Fix for parsing maxLife and shellLife as integers always.
- Updated dependencies for support of Node > 8.0
- Soap@0.2.7 retained due to changes in the return results that break code dependant on this version or earlier
- Updated license date
- Fix for Date comparison in Expired and Spoiled checks when using third party memory storage.
- Bumped request dependecy version
- Added cacheBuster config option
- Re-applied missing ignoreCacheControl setting
- Experimental support for caching any raw resource
- Fixed variable undefined error causing application crashes in the 'done' event function
- Added support for complete data types in SOAP requests
- Experimental support for SOAP requests
- Converted from CoffeeScript to JavaScript
- Now uses winston instead of coloured-log for logging
- Update default logging with optional env setting
- Upgraded dependencies
- Requires Node v0.8.x
- Default XML parsing has changed with xml2js v0.2
- Fixing a bug in dependencies, xml2js version set to 0.1.14 as newer versions use incompatible versions of coffee-script.
- Handle request library returning an object (no parsing needed)
- Better handling of offline storage
- Use MemoryStorage as backup if primary storage is unavailable
- Unstable experimental release
- Code has been completely refactored
- Supports plugins for cache storage (defaults to MemoryStorage)
- Added RedisStorage plugin
- Added MemcachedStorage plugin
- Switched to mocha testing framework
- Stable production release
- Reversed sort order within History.md
- xml2js parsing options can now be passed in via xmlOptions
- parsed xml no longer provides explicit arrays for child elements by default (but you can enable via xmlOptions)
- Now respects cache-control header
- non-GET requests are not cached
- parsed xml now uses explicit arrays for child elements
- ability to utilize loose parsing when dealing with inexplicit or incorrect content-types
- Bug Fix - Removed config = config
- Convert from styout to coloured-log
- Slight mod to node version requirements
- Added return value to configuration method containing the actual config values.
- Added getStock method that builds a data structure containing the stock count and current stock items
- implemented test cases using kitkat
- Normalizes URI to create consistent cache keys
- Utilizes for styout for console messages (debug, info, errors etc.)
- Major refactoring
- Supports XML resources
- Conditional GETs (ETag and/or Last-Modified)
- Efficient handling of parallel requests for the same resource
- Some error handling
- Initial release