Matrix multiplication benchmark implemented with several optimizations: blocking, OpenMP, GPU Offloading... Both matrices have the same size.
To compile the benchmark, the first thing to do is to uncomment the corresponding line in the root Cmake configuration file : add_subdirectory (benchmark_multiply)
Then, several options are available.
- OpenMP
The benchmark can be launched on multiple cores by using OpenMP.
To compile the benchmark with OPENMP use the following option -DBM_OMP=TRUE
- OpenMP GPU offloading
The benchmark can be launched on a GPU with OpenMP (version > 4.5)
To offload the benchmark on GPU, use the following option -DBM_OMP_TARGET_GPU=TRUE
- Manual Compilation
The benchmark can be compiled without using Cmake
/opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++ -DBM_OMP -DBM_OMP_TARGET_GPU -fopenmp ../src/benchmark_multiply/benchmark_multiply.cpp ../src/benchmark_multiply/multiply_version.cpp -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xopenmp-target=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -march=gfx908 -o mult_manocompiled
- Example
- Cray Sequential =
- Cray OMP GPU =
Available options can be printed with -h
-L 100
number of line for matrix A-C 100
number of column for matrix A-V 1
version to use-B 20
size of block for blocking optimization
Typical execution
export OMP_PROC_BIND=close ; export OMP_PLACES=cores ; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=128 ; time ./bin/benchmark_multiply/benchmark_multiply -V 6 -L 4000 -C 4000
Several scripts can be found in the script folder
Script to facilitate the execution and your different tests. Nothing special here.
This script can be used to test different configuration of the OpenMP binding variables (OMP_NUM_THREADS, OMP_PROC_BIND, OMP_PLACES) and different size of block.
Then, for different number of threads, binding and place strategies the script print the performance.
Below, the result of the exuction of benchmark_multiply -V 6 -L 4000 -C 4000 -B 40
on AMD EPYC 7542 32-Core Processor (see full results in results folder)
1 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 585.44
2 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 182.41
3 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 116.60
126 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 6.04
127 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 5.96
128 true cores 6 40 140100658790400 6.09
Strong scaling on dual socket server for 1 to 128 threads with OMP_PROC_BIND=true