• I'm an Aspiring Backend Software Developer proficient in Python, Java, SQL, Machine Learning, Data Structures, Algorithms & Cloud Basics. • I have a strong focus on writing Clean, Optimal Code and an Interest in Designing Scalable Applications. • I have Internship experiences in Backend Development with Python with Startups in the field. • I've Won and been a Finalist in multiple National level Hackathons. • I'm a Detail Oriented, Creative, Well-organized team player with strong communication abilities.
• I'm an avid Competitive Programmer and love solving algorithmic problems. I regularly participate on:
- CodeChef 4 Star: https://www.codechef.com/users/pranav_1015
- LeetCode weekly contests: https://leetcode.com/pranav_1015/
• Check out my Personal Portfolio: https://pranavpathare.github.io/
• Reach out to me: pranavpathare1111@gmail.com