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Artifactory Scripts.

The purpose of these scripts is to interface to Artifactory.

The most common use case is when you need to interact with Artifactory from a shell of some type. It is generally recommended to use standard build tools like, Maven, Ant, etc, for this uploading and retrieving artifacts.


The script uses jfrogs Artifactory client. It also uses Kohsuke's args4j library for handling command line arguments.

The following functionality is available:

  • List Repositories
  • Find and Artifact
  • Upload an Artifact
  • Download an Artifact

It is expected that an artifact exists under a unique domain and version within a single repository. A domain is a directory path and the version is expected to be parent directory of the artifact.


  • domain is: /com/dsv/ds/content/
  • version is: 1.0.0
  • artifact is: myZip.tar.gz

The full Artifactory path is: /com/dsv/ds/content/1.0.0/myZip.tar.gz. This path is unique to the repository but may exist in another repository.



Place the value of arguments in single quotes.

The web servers URL should end with a trailing slash. The script will append the 'artifactory' context.

The following arguments are always required.

  • --action - The action to be performed, i.e., --action 'upload', --action 'download', --action 'find', etc.
  • --web-server - The server to connect to, i.e., --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/'
  • --userName - The user to connect to the Artifactory server with. NOTE: The user must have the proper rights to perform the actions.
  • --password - The users password.

The following arguments are dependent upon the action.

  • --repository - The Artifactory repository. Required for upload and download.
  • --version - The version of the artifact. Required for upload and download.
  • --domain - The path to store the artifact on the Artifactory server or the path where it resides. Required for upload and download.
  • --artifact - The actual artifact. Required for upload, download, find.
  • --location - The location of the artifact to upload. If not set, then defaults to directory of this script.

Find Artifact

The find will list all artifacts and the repository it belongs to that match the value of the --artifact argument.

If you don not provide --domain and --version arguments, the search is considered to be ambiguous and could return more than one result.

If you refine the search by using the --repository and the --version arguments. Then the search is considered to be unambiguous and only one result should be returned.

In either case, if nothing is found then the script will exit with 1.

groovy ArtifactoryHandler.groovy --action 'find' --artifact 'args4j' --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/' --userName 'admin' --password 'password'

Looking for artifact: args4j


Found in Repository: jcenter-cache

Path is: args4j/args4j/2.0.26/args4j-2.0.26.jar

Found in Repository: jcenter-cache

Path is: args4j/args4j/2.33/args4j-2.33.jar

List Repositories

The list repos will list all virtual, local and remote repositories.

groovy ArtifactoryHandler.groovy --action 'list-repos' --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/' --userName 'admin' --password 'password'

Listing Repositories


key :ext-release-local

type : local

description : Local repository for third party libraries

url : http://localhost:8081/artifactory/ext-release-local


key :jcenter

type : remote

description : Bintray Central Java repository

url :


key :plugins-snapshot

type : virtual

description : null

url : http://localhost:8081/artifactory/plugins-snapshot

Upload Artifact

The artifact to upload must not be ambiguous. Basically it must have unique path within a repository. It is expected that the artifact follows the domain/version path in Artifactory as described above.

If an artifact which matches the domain/version/name already exists in the specified repository the script will exit with 1.

Example: Existing artifact

groovy ArtifactoryHandler.groovy --action 'upload' --artifact 'deploy-scripts.tar.gz' --domain '/com/dsv/ds/content/' --location '/home/timothy/Documents/DSV' --repository 'libs-content-test' --version '1.3.8' --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/' --userName 'admin' --password 'password'

Starting upload...

Artifact already exists at: com/dsv/ds/content/1.3.8/deploy-scripts.tar.gz in repository: libs-content-test

Exiting with (1)...

Example: Non Existing artifact

groovy ArtifactoryHandler.groovy --action 'upload' --artifact 'deploy-scripts.tar.gz' --domain '/com/dsv/ds/content/' --location '/home/timothy/Documents/DSV' --repository 'libs-content-test' --version '1.4.1' --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/' --userName 'admin' --password 'password'

Starting upload...

Starting Upload of deploy-scripts.tar.gz to repository libs-content-test at com/dsv/ds/content/1.4.1

Upload Completed on: Wed Apr 06 19:53:45 CEST 2016...

Download Artifact

The artifact to download must not be ambiguous. Again basically it must have a unique path within the repository and it must exist. If it doesn't the script will exit with 1. All artifacts are downloaded to the directory where the script exists.

Example: Unambiguous Artifact

groovy ArtifactoryHandler.groovy --action 'download' --artifact 'deploy-scripts.tar.gz' --domain '/com/dsv/ds/content/' --repository 'libs-content-test' --version '1.3.4' --web-server 'http://localhost:8081/' --userName 'admin' --password 'password'

Starting download...

Downloading deploy-scripts.tar.gz from folder: 1.3.4

Artifact: deploy-scripts.tar.gz downloaded...


The following improvements would be nice to have:

  • YAML config file. Should be able to provide a list of artifacts to upload/download from a specified repository. Good for bulk actions.
  • List all artifacts in a repository
  • Clean a specified artifact
  • Clean up running containers if tests fail


I wanted to be able to automate the tests of the script against the latest version of Artifactory. The following approach to testing the script is what I want to be implemented. Unfortunately jFrog does not provide the REST interface with the open source version and also do not provide a dev license for pro version.

Maybe they will some day but I doubt it. I had a bit of interaction with them regarding this and the answer is, well we have plenty of customers that are fine with this. So don't hold your breath...

  • Docker image of Artifactory is used. Specifically the latest open source version.
  • Tests will check if container artifactory_oss_latest is available on system. If not then test will pull the image and start a container with this name.
  • Test will create any needed repositories or configurations needed for the container.
  • Test will start the container.
  • All user functionality will be tested along with all combinations of parameters.

I have started a shell script for this, but it is not finished and can't be used yet. Maybe never, which is why I haven't bothered to finish it :-(

So for now you will need to:

  • Pull the docker pro image
  • Start it by hand
  • Get a trial license and install it
  • Create the following generic repositories: libs-content-local and libs-content-test
  • Run the ArtifactHandlerTest.groovy file from the command line

Obviously this will require that Docker be installed on the system.