v0.7.0 (2019-04-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Restart BotKube pod if configmap is updated #72
- Add Skip field BotKube Event #63
- Add ElasticSearch support #53
- Mattermost support #26
Fixed bugs:
- [BUG] Add a way to set Log level #66
- [BUG] Do not dump auth token in
@BotKube notifier showconfig
command response #64 - Report Botkube and Kubernetes version in ping command #62
- [BUG] Helm chart version not in sync with Botkube version #51
Closed issues:
- Migrating to "Slash Commands" for
#46 - Add filter to add warnings if pod is created without any labels #27
Merged pull requests:
- CHANGELOG.md #78 (PrasadG193)
- merge develop to master #77 (PrasadG193)
- Mattermost implementation changes for botkube channel. #76 (mugdha-adhav)
- Check cluster-name for ping command #75 (PrasadG193)
- Add logic to restart BotKube pod if config file is updated #74 (PrasadG193)
- Return BotKube version with response to ping #73 (PrasadG193)
- Add new env var LOG_LEVEL to set logging levels #68 (PrasadG193)
- Add Skip var in Event struct to skip an event #67 (PrasadG193)
- Hide sensitive info while displaying configuration #65 (PrasadG193)
- Add badges for Slack and docs #61 (bhavin192)
- Add support for elasticsearch interface #59 (PrasadG193)
- Add support for Mattermost #55 (mugdha-adhav)
- Issue #51: Added target in Makefile to update helm version #54 (mugdha-adhav)
- Modified cluster flag to support quotes #52 (mugdha-adhav)
- Issue #27: Added filter to add warning if pod created without label #48 (mugdha-adhav)
v0.6.0 (2019-03-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Run the command on the slack channel, only the information of the corresponding cluster is displayed. #37
- Include clustername in start/stop messages from BotKube #16
Fixed bugs:
- Reduce docker image size #41
Closed issues:
- "BotKube notifier" commands should be executable only from a slack channel #40
Merged pull requests:
- Merge develop to master #49 (PrasadG193)
- Merge master into develop #47 (PrasadG193)
- Issue #46: Removed @botkube help commands. Added Makefile to add support for git tags and docker build with versioning #45 (mugdha-adhav)
- Issue #41: Updated Dockerfile for multi-stage build #44 (mugdha-adhav)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md #43 (ssudake21)
- Update issue templates #42 (ssudake21)
v0.5.0 (2019-02-28)
Fixed bugs:
- Add helm lint in travis CI #33
Closed issues:
- Add "helm lint" checks to CI build #34
Merged pull requests:
- Added check slack channel in config, when get message #39 (gimmetm)
- Issues #37 and #16: Added multi-cluster support and added cluster-name in botkube commands #38 (mugdha-adhav)
- Add "helm lint" check to travis ci build #35 (PrasadG193)
- Adding icon so chart passes
helm lint
#31 (adamhaney) - Develop #30 (ssudake21)
- Add arch diagram to README #29 (PrasadG193)
- Serve BotKube commands without '@' mention in DMs #25 (PrasadG193)
- Merge develop to master #22 (PrasadG193)
v0.4.0 (2019-01-18)
Closed issues:
- Change botkube to BotKube in help messages #20
Merged pull requests:
- Capitalize 's' in 'slack' in help messages #23 (PrasadG193)
- Rename "botkube" to "BotKube" in help messages #21 (PrasadG193)
v0.3.0 (2019-01-17)
Closed issues:
- Change license to MIT #17
- Add license #10
- Provide a way to install without Helm #9
- Send clustername in the event message #7
Merged pull requests:
- Merge develop to master #19 (PrasadG193)
- Change license #18 (PrasadG193)
- Improve README #12 (PrasadG193)
v0.2.0 (2019-01-15)
Closed issues:
- Add flag to enable/disable kubectl command execution #8
Merged pull requests:
- Merge develop to master #15 (PrasadG193)
- Add yaml specs to deploy with kubectl command #14 (PrasadG193)
- Support notifications from multiple clusters #13 (PrasadG193)
v0.1.0 (2019-01-11)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add LICENSE #11 (PrasadG193)
- merge develop to master #6 (PrasadG193)
- Rename kubeops to botkube #5 (PrasadG193)
- Send bot start/stop messages to slack channel #3 (PrasadG193)
- Develop #1 (ssudake21)