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LandMine Manual
18 May 2018; updated 6 Sep 2022
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LandMine Module

(ref:LandMine) LandMine



Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre], Alex M. Chubaty [ctb]

Module Overview

Module summary

Landmine is a model created for simulating the natural range of variation for landscapes in the boreal forest [@Andison:1996; @Andison:1998]. It has been widely used by the public and the private sector for various purposes. This SpaDES module is a rewrite of the fire component in native R.

Model Differences

The current version has not yet been fully tested and compared with the original version, but there are currently several known differences:

  1. Fire sizes are taken from a Truncated Pareto distribution, resulting in numerous very small fires, and few large fires;
  2. Parameters have been fitted to the landscapes that are under study in the LandWeb project.

Known Species

Landmine requires the following codes as inputs (the genus and species codes below), which converts and groups species as follows. Each of the species groups has its own Rate of Spread (ROS) for fire spreading:

(\#tab:species-table)LandMine species codes.
Species Group Code
Jack pine Pine (PINU) Pinu_ban
Lodgepole pine Pine (PINU) Pinu_con
Unspecified pine species Pine (PINU) Pinu_sp
Paper birch Deciduous (DECI) Betu_pap
Balsam poplar Deciduous (DECI) Popu_bal
Trembling aspen Deciduous (DECI) Popu_tre
Larch/Tamarack Deciduous (DECI) Lari_lar
Black spruce Black spruce (PICE_MAR) Pice_mar
White spruce White spruce (PICE_GLA) Pice_gla
Fir species Fir (ABIE) Abie_sp


Module inputs and parameters

Table @ref(tab:moduleInputs-LandMine) shows the full list of module inputs.

(\#tab:moduleInputs-LandMine)List of (ref:LandMine) input objects and their description.
objectName objectClass desc sourceURL

Summary of user-visible parameters (Table @ref(tab:moduleParams-LandMine)).

(\#tab:moduleParams-LandMine)List of (ref:LandMine) parameters and their description.
paramName paramClass default min max paramDesc
.plots character screen NA NA Used by Plots function, which can be optionally used here
.plotInitialTime numeric start(sim) NA NA Describes the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur.
.plotInterval numeric NA NA NA Describes the simulation time interval between plot events.
.saveInitialTime numeric NA NA NA Describes the simulation time at which the first save event should occur.
.saveInterval numeric NA NA NA This describes the simulation time interval between save events.
.studyAreaName character NA NA NA Human-readable name for the study area used - e.g., a hash of the studyarea obtained using `reproducible::studyAreaName()`
.seed list NA NA Named list of seeds to use for each event (names).
.useCache logical FALSE NA NA Should caching of events or module be used?

Module outputs

Description of the module outputs (Table @ref(tab:moduleOutputs-LandMine)).

(\#tab:moduleOutputs-LandMine)List of (ref:LandMine) outputs and their description.
objectName objectClass desc



To run this Landmine module alone (i.e., for fitting), the following should work (iff raster inputs for rstStudyRegion and rstFlammable are available), assuming all R packages are available.

NB: Paths will have be changed for a different user.


Package installation:

Load necessary packages:

options(repos = c(CRAN = ""))

if (!"pak" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {

if (!"SpaDES.core" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
  pak::pkg_install( "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core@development")

## package SDM tools unavailable on CRAN since 2020-01-12; use latest archived version
if (!"SDMTools" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
                   repos = NULL)

Require(c("igraph", "kableExtra", "magrittr", "raster", "rmarkdown", "SpaDES.core"))

Configure your file paths for this project:

workingDir <- file.path("~/GitHub/LandWeb") ## NOTE: change this for your project
moduleDir <- file.path(workingDir, "m") %>% checkPath()
inputDir <- file.path(workingDir, "inputs") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)
outputDir <- file.path(workingDir, "outputs") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)
cacheDir <- file.path(outputDir, "cache_LandMineRmd") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)

Package dependencies

To determine which packages are used by LandMine, use:

SpaDES.core::packages(modules = "LandMine", paths = moduleDir)[[1]]
##  [1] "SpaDES.core"                                        
##  [2] "assertthat"                                         
##  [3] "data.table"                                         
##  [4] "ggplot2"                                            
##  [5] "grDevices"                                          
##  [6] "magrittr"                                           
##  [7] "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (>="
##  [8] "PredictiveEcology/pemisc@development"               
##  [9] "PredictiveEcology/"         
## [10] "raster"                                             
## [11] "RColorBrewer"                                       
## [12] "VGAM"

Module usage

studyArea <- = 1234, size = 1e10)
rasterToMatch <- raster(studyArea, res = 250)
times <- list(start = 0, end = 13)

parameters <- list(
  # LandMine = list(flushCachedRandomFRI = TRUE) 

modules <- list("LandMine")

objects <- list(
  studyArea = studyArea,
  rasterToMatch = rasterToMatch

paths <- list(
  cachePath = cacheDir,
  modulePath = moduleDir,
  inputPath = inputDir,
  outputPath = outputDir
mySim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
                 objects = objects, paths = paths)

mySimOut <- spades(mySim, .plotInitialTime = times$start, debug = TRUE)


Testing the burn algorithm

Require(c("data.table", "DEoptim", "parallel", "SDMTools"))

s <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
             objects = objects, paths = paths)

ros <- raster(extent(0, 2.5e5, 0, 2.5e5), res = 250, vals = 0)
ros <- ros == 0
fireSize <- 1e5
source(file.path(moduleDir, "LandMine", "R", "burn.R"))

burnFun <- function(ros, centreCell, fireSize, spawnNewActive, sizeCutoffs, burn1, spreadProb) {
    burned <- burn1(
      landscape = ros,
      startCells = centreCell,# c(quarterCell, centreCell),
      fireSizes = fireSize,
      spreadProb = spreadProb,
      spreadProbRel = ros,
      spawnNewActive = spawnNewActive,
      sizeCutoffs = sizeCutoffs
    burnedMap <- raster(ros)
    burnedMap[] <- NA
    burnedMap[burned$pixels] <- burned$initialPixels
    LM <- SDMTools::PatchStat(burnedMap, cellsize = res(burnedMap)[1])
    list(burnedMap = burnedMap, LM = LM)

makeParallel <- function(wantParallel, numClus, cl, funs, addlPkgs) {
  if (wantParallel) {
    if (is.null(cl)) {
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numClus)
    funs <- c(funs)
    parallel::clusterExport(cl,  funs)
    #env <- environment()
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, "addlPkgs", envir = parent.frame())
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {lapply(addlPkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)})

wrap <- function(cl = NULL, reps, par, burn1, burnFun, objs, addlPkgs) {
  funNames <- c(deparse(substitute(burn1)), deparse(substitute(burnFun)))
  cl <- makeParallel(TRUE,
                     numClus = if (length(cl)) length(cl) else detectCores() - 1,
                     cl, c(funNames, objs), addlPkgs)
  objs <- append(mget(objs, envir = parent.frame()), list(burn1 = burn1))
  parallel::clusterExport(cl,  "objs", envir = parent.frame())
  burnMapList <- parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, reps, function(r) {"burnFun", objs)
  return(list(cl = cl, out = burnMapList))

fitSN <- function(sna, ros, centreCell, fireSizes = 10^(2:5),
                  desiredPerimeterArea = 0.004, burnFun, burn1) {
  sizeCutoffs <- 10^sna[5:6]
  spreadProb <- sna[7]
  sna <- c(10^(sna[1]), 10^(sna[2]), 10^(sna[3]), 10^(sna[4]))
  bfs1 <- lapply(fireSizes, function(fireSize) {
    burnFun(ros, centreCell, fireSize, 
            sna, sizeCutoffs, burn1 = burn1, spreadProb = spreadProb)
  res <- lapply(seq(bfs1), function(bfCount) {
    abs(log(bfs1[[bfCount]]$LM[1,"perim.area.ratio"]) -
          log(desiredPerimeterArea)) + 
      100*(sum(bfs1[[bfCount]]$burnedMap[], na.rm = TRUE) < fireSizes[bfCount])
    # it needs to get to above 90,000 HA for it to count
  a <- sum(unlist(res))# * log10(fireSizes)) # weigh larger ones more
  attr(a, "bfs1") <- bfs1

fitSN2 <- function(par, ros, centreCell, fireSizes = 10^(2:5), 
                   desiredPerimeterArea = 0.003, spreadProb = 0.9) {
  sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(par[4], par[5])
  bfs1 <- lapply(fireSizes, function(fireSize) {
    sna <- min(-0.15, par[1] + par[2]*log10(fireSize))
    sna <- 10^c(sna*par[3], sna*2*par[3], sna*3*par[3], sna*4*par[3])
    #sna <- -1
    burnFun(ros, centreCell, fireSize, sna, sizeCutoffs, burn1, spreadProb)
  res <- lapply(seq(bfs1), function(bfCount) {
    abs(log(bfs1[[bfCount]]$LM[1, "perim.area.ratio"]) -
          log(desiredPerimeterArea)) + 
      100*(sum(bfs1[[bfCount]]$burnedMap[], na.rm = TRUE) < fireSizes[bfCount])
    # it needs to get to above 90,000 HA for it to count
  a <- sum(unlist(res))
  attr(a, "bfs1") <- bfs1


Optimizing parameters

The following code chunk tries to find values of spawnNewActive that creates "reasonable" fire shapes at all sizes.

wantParallel <- TRUE
maxRetriesPerID <- 4 ## 4 retries (5 attempts total)
spreadProb <- 0.9
spawnNewActive <- c(0.46, 0.2, 0.26, 0.11)
sizeCutoffs <- c(8e3, 2e4)
#spawnNewActive <- c(0.1, 0.04, 0.025, 0.01)
#sizeCutoffs <- c(8e3, 2e4)

NineCorners <- cellFromRowCol(ros,
                              row = nrow(ros) / 4 * rep(1:3, 3),
                              col = ncol(ros) / 4 * rep(1:3, each = 3))

centreCell <- cellFromRowCol(ros,
                             row = nrow(ros) / 2,
                             col = ncol(ros) / 2)

## Set variables
objs <- c("ros", "centreCell", "fireSize",
          "spawnNewActive", "sizeCutoffs", "spreadProb")
funs <- c("burnFun", "burn1")
addlPkgs <- c("data.table", "raster", "SDMTools", "")
numCores <- min(detectCores() / 2, 120L)
if (["sysname"] == "Windows") {
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores)
} else if (grepl("W-VIC-A1053|pinus[.]for-cast[.]ca",["nodename"])) {
  ## TODO: customize this to make a cluster on several machines via ssh
  clNames <- c(
    #rep("localhost", 0),
    rep("", 25),
    rep("", 80)
    length(clNames) >= 70,     ## at least 10 populations per parameter; 7 params.
    length(clNames) %% 7 == 0,  ## ensure it's a multiple of the number of params (7)
    length(clNames) <= 120     ## R can't create more than ~125 socket connections
  cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(clNames, homogeneous = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
  clusterSetRNGStream(cl, sample(1e8, 1))
} else {
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores, type = "FORK")
  clusterSetRNGStream(cl, sample(1e8, 1))

if (!inherits(cl[[1]], "forknode")) {
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, funs)
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, objs )
  #env <- environment()
  parallel::clusterExport(cl,  "addlPkgs", envir = parent.frame())
  parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
    lapply(addlPkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)
opt_sn <- DEoptim(fitSN,
                  lower = c(-2, -3, -3, -3, 1, 3.5, 0.75), 
                  upper = c(-0.1, -0.5, -0.5, -1, 3.5, 5, 1),
                  control = DEoptim.control(VTR = 0.001, NP = as.integer(length(clNames)),
                                            itermax = 200, cluster = cl, strategy = 6), ## itermax = 170
                  ros = ros,
                  centreCell = centreCell,
                  fireSizes = c(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000),
                  desiredPerimeterArea = 0.003,
                  burnFun = burnFun,
                  burn1 = burn1)

opt_sn$optim$bestmem ## best param values
# dput(unname(opt_sn$optim$bestmem))

## assign with suffix to facilitate multiple DEoptim runs
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%M%d%H%M%S")
assign(paste0("opt_sn_", timestamp), opt_sn)
saveRDS(opt_sn, file.path(moduleDir, "LandMine", "data", paste0(timestamp, "_DEoptim_250m.rds")))
fs_sn <- c(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
fit_sn <- fitSN(sna = c(-1, -1, -1, -2, 2, 4, 0.9),
                ros = ros,
                centreCell = centreCell,
                fireSizes = fs_sn,
                desiredPerimeterArea = 0.003,
                burnFun = burnFun,
                burn1 = burn1)
bfs1_sn <- purrr::transpose(attr(fit_sn, "bfs1"))
LM_sn <-, bfs1_sn$LM)
plot(fs_sn, LM_sn[, "perim.area.ratio"]) ## NOTE: visual inspection - not too round; not too sinuous

A second (alternative) version tries the optimization using fewer parameters, to test whether a simpler version gets better/different results. Although this version was not used for the final module, we preserve it here for posterity.

fs_optim2 <- c(0.2, 1:8)*10000
opt_sn2 <- DEoptim(fitSN2, lower = c(1, -1, 1, 3, 4), upper = c(3, -0.3, 3, 4, 5), 
                   control = DEoptim.control(VTR = 0.001, itermax = 40, 
                                             cluster = cl, strategy = 6), 
                   ros = ros, centreCell = centreCell, 
                   fireSizes = fs_optim2, desiredPerimeterArea = 0.003)
fs_sn2 <- round(runif(10, 10, 4000))
fit_sn2 <- fitSN2(par = c(2, -0.63333, 1, 3.2, 4.4),
                  ros = ros,
                  centreCell = centreCell,
                  fireSizes = fs_sn2,
                  desiredPerimeterArea = 0.003,
                  spreadProb = 0.9)
bfs1_sn2 <- purrr::transpose(attr(fit_sn2, "bfs1"))
LM_sn2 <-, bfs1_sn2$LM)
plot(fs_sn2, LM_sn2[, "perim.area.ratio"]) ## NOTE: visual inspection - not too round; not too sinuous


Manual inspection of optimization results

Original (2018) version

The original version was run using 100m pixels, despite the simulations being run using 250m pixels. This was corrected and rerun below.

## 10,000 hectares burns gave this
spawnNewActive[2:3] <- c(0.0235999945606232, 0.0263073265505955)

#100,000 hectare burns gave this
#spawnNewActive <- 10^c(-1.264780,   -1.970946,   -1.288213,   -2.202580)
spawnNewActive <- 10^c(-0.586503645288758, -1.08108837273903,
                       -2.14391896536108, -1.00221184641123)
sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(3.37711253212765, 4.52040993282571)

sns <- c(-1.733262, -0.933318, -2.562183, -2.493687, 3.064458, 4.812305)
spawnNewActive <- 10^sns[1:4]
sizeCutoffs <- 10^sns[5:6]
#spawnNewActive <- 10^c(-1.646419, -1.815395, -2.809013, -2.613337)
#sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(3.888317,    4.641961)

## 100,000 pixel fires -- the next worked, but I think we can get better
# sns <- structure(
#   c(-1.652459,-0.962121,-0.964879,-2.304902, 3.522345, 4.173242),
#   .Names = c("par1", 
sns <- structure(
  c(-1.641197,-1.152821,-0.697335,-1.751917, 3.720378, 4.034059),
  .Names = c("par1", "par2", "par3", "par4", "par5", "par6")
spawnNewActive <- 10^sns[1:4]
sizeCutoffs <- 10^(sns[5:6])
fireSize <- 30000

## 100
sns <- c(-0.77716149196811, -0.769325340166688, -1.2772046867758,
         -1.99332102853805, 3.14260408212431, 4.46155184064992) 

## 1000
sns <- c(-0.775107,-1.031760,-0.599669,-1.958105, 3.048958, 4.275831)

## seemed good for 100,000, pretty good for 1e3
sns <- c(-1.54885, -0.97052, -1.38305, -1.93759, 3.20379, 4.13237)

## good for 100 000, 10 000 ha -- too sinuous for 1000 and 100 ha
sns <- c(-1.537203,-1.462981,-0.524957,-1.002567, 3.642046, 4.501754)

## good for 100 000, 10 000 ha (except some fires @ 1e5 don't make it to full size)
## -- too sinuous for smaller
sns <- c(-1.484338,-1.220440,-2.948275,-2.155940, 3.945281, 4.904893)

sns <- c(-1.495247,-0.800494,-1.582350,-2.270646, 3.530671, 4.663245)

## final optimization after 75 iterations, Good: 1e5, 1e4
sns <- c(-1.47809, -0.86224, -1.34532, -1.93568, 3.27149, 4.20741)

## based on equal weights 10^(1:5)
sns <- c(-0.923528, -1.804549, -1.760455, -1.793594,  1.683355,  4.466668)

## With spreadProb = 0.9 # Pretty GOOD!
sns <- c(-0.731520, -0.501823, -0.605968, -1.809726,  2.202732,  4.696060, 0.9) ## used in module

## With spreadProb = 0.9 # Optimal
sns <- c(-0.978947, -0.540946, -0.790736, -1.583039,  2.532013,  4.267547,  0.946730)

spawnNewActive <- 10^sns[1:4]
sizeCutoffs <- 10^(sns[5:6])
if (length(sns) == 7) spreadProb <- sns[7]

# from linear model version
par <- c(1.548899,-0.396904, 2.191424, 3.903082, 4.854002)
sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(par[4], par[5])
sna <- min(-0.15, par[1] + par[2]*log10(fireSize))
sna <- 10^c(sna*par[3], sna*2*par[3], sna*3*par[3], sna*4*par[3])
spawnNewActive <- sna


for (i in 1:5) {
  fireSize <- 10^i
  dim <- round(sqrt(fireSize)*5 * 250)
  ros <- raster(extent(0, dim,0,dim), res = 250, vals = 1)
  centreCell <- cellFromRowCol(ros,
                               rownr = nrow(ros) / 2,
                               colnr = ncol(ros) / 2)
  reps <- paste0("rep", 1:4 + (log10(fireSize) - 1)*4)
  burnedMapList <- wrap(cl = cl, reps = reps, par = TRUE, burn1 = burn1,
                        burnFun = burnFun, objs = objs, libs = addlPkgs)
  names(burnedMapList$out) <- reps
  burnedMapList <- purrr::transpose(burnedMapList$out), burnedMapList$LM)
  Plot(burnedMapList$burnedMap, cols = c("red"), new = FALSE, na.color = "white",
       legend = FALSE, visualSqueeze = 0.7, title = paste0("Fire size: ", fireSize))
reps <- paste0("rep", 1:1)
perims <- list()
perm <- list()
mod <- list()
fireSizes <-  10^(4)

for (fs in fireSizes) {
  for (i in 1:1) {
    ros <- raster(extent(0, 2e5, 0, 2e5), res = 250, vals = 1)
    NineCorners <- cellFromRowCol(
      rownr = nrow(ros) / 4 * rep(1:3, 3),
      colnr = ncol(ros) / 4 * rep(1:3, each = 3)
    centreCell <- NineCorners
    ran <- runif(4, -3, -1)
    spawnNewActive <- 10^ran
    #spawnNewActive <- 10^c(-0.1, -0.75, -1.2, ran*2.5)
    fireSize = rep(fs, length(centreCell))
    sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(1,3)
    burnedMapList <- wrap(cl = cl, reps = reps, par = TRUE, burn1 = burn1,
                          burnFun = burnFun, objs = objs, libs = addlPkgs)
    names(burnedMapList$out) <- reps
    burnedMapList <- purrr::transpose(burnedMapList$out), burnedMapList$LM)
    Plot(burnedMapList$burnedMap, new = TRUE, zero.color = "white")
    perims[[i]] <- data.frame(perim = burnedMapList$LM$rep1$perim.area.ratio,
                              spawnNewActive = mean(spawnNewActive),
                              others = t(spawnNewActive))
  fsChar <- as.character(fs)
  perm[[fsChar]] <- rbindlist(perims)
  perm[[fsChar]]$perim <- log10(perm[[fsChar]]$perim)
  perm[[fsChar]]$spawnNewActive <- perm[[fsChar]]$spawnNewActive
  Plot(perm[[fsChar]]$perim, perm[[fsChar]]$spawnNewActive, new = TRUE,
       addTo = paste0("fs",fsChar))
  mod[[fsChar]] <- lm(spawnNewActive ~ perim, data = perm[[fsChar]])

(predict(mod[["10"]], data.frame(perim = log10(0.003))))
(predict(mod[["100"]], data.frame(perim = log10(0.003))))
log10(predict(mod[["1000"]], data.frame(perim = log10(0.003))))

Current (2022) version

The original version was run using 100m pixels, despite the simulations being run using 250m pixels. This version uses 250m pixels.

## final optimization after 170 iterations (fitSN)
sns <- unname(opt_sn$optim$bestmem)

spawnNewActive <- 10^sns[1:4]
sizeCutoffs <- 10^(sns[5:6])
spreadProb <- sns[7]

## from linear model version
par <- c(1.548899,-0.396904, 2.191424, 3.903082, 4.854002)
sizeCutoffs <- 10^c(par[4], par[5])
sna <- min(-0.15, par[1] + par[2]*log10(fireSize))
sna <- 10^c(sna*par[3], sna*2*par[3], sna*3*par[3], sna*4*par[3])
spawnNewActive <- sna


for (i in 1:5) {
  fireSize <- 10^i
  dim <- round(sqrt(fireSize)*5 * 250)
  ros <- raster(extent(0, dim, 0, dim), res = 250, vals = 1)
  centreCell <- cellFromRowCol(ros,
                               row = nrow(ros) / 2,
                               col = ncol(ros) / 2)
  reps <- paste0("rep", 1:4 + (log10(fireSize) - 1)*4)
  burnedMapList <- wrap(cl = cl, reps = reps, par = TRUE, burn1 = burn1,
                        burnFun = burnFun, objs = objs, addlPkgs = addlPkgs)
  names(burnedMapList$out) <- reps
  burnedMapList <- purrr::transpose(burnedMapList$out), burnedMapList$LM)
  Plot(burnedMapList$burnedMap, cols = c("red"), new = FALSE, na.color = "white",
       legend = FALSE, visualSqueeze = 0.7, title = paste0("Fire size: ", fireSize))

Cleaning up

unlink(cacheDir, recursive = TRUE)

Code and data availability

Code available from

Links to other modules

Originally developed as part of the LandWeb project.