- Time taken to rot all Oranges
- 2-D Matrix Sorting
- ActivitySelection
- ArraySub
- Array Manipulation
- Array Right Rotation Naive Approach
- All Possible Sum Using FFT
- Binary_Coded_String
- Check Anagrams
- Product of the maximum element and the minimum element in two consecutive arrays
- Check Pangram
- Check for Subsequence
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum without Repeating the Values
- Length of last word
- Container with most water
- Contiguous Sub Array with Given Sum
- Generic Function for Swapping
- Adjacent Difference Algorithm
- Count of string P in string S
- Count Max Consecutive One's
- Elements Occurrence using Binary Search
- Even Pair Sum
- Factorial of Very Large Numbers
- Find First and Last position index of an element in an array
- Find number of digits in an integer
- Find leftmost non repeating character in string
- Find Single Occurring element from an array
- Infix to Postfix
- Intersection of Y-shaped linked list
- Interval List Intersection
- Josephus Problem
- Kadane's Algorithm for max sum subArray
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
- Long Factorials using Vectors
- Longest Common Prefix
- Longest Common Ancestor using Binary Lifting
- Longest Subarray with Zero Sum
- Maximum in Array
- Merge_Intervals
- Merge String Alternatively
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Min Swap To Sort Array
- Mos Algorithm
- Next Largest Permutation
- NQueens
- Painter Partition
- Plucking Flowers
- Prefix Sum Array
- Print All Subsequences using Recursion
- Product of Array Except itself
- Rain Water Trapping Problem
- Rain Water Harvesting
- Rat In A Maze
- Remove Spaces from a string
- Reverse words in Given String
- Reverse a String using Stack
- Search Insert Position
- Space Array
- Spiral Matrix
- String to Integer
- Subarray of length two
- Sub-array with given sum
- Sort Characters by Occurrence
- Suduko Solver
- Tug Of War
- Target Sum triplets
- Two Pointers Method
- Toggle Kth Bit From Right
- Z Algorithm
- First occurence of 1
- Remove Minimum Parantheses to make Valid Parantheses
- Sum of Matrix Principal and Secondary Diagonal
- Reverse Lookup in 1D array
- Moore's Voting Algorithm to find the majority element
- Sort Color
- Ticket Auction
- Replace Pi using recursion
- Lexicographically largest palindrome subsequence
- Binary tree to doubly linked list
- Check if given Binary Tree is symmetric or not
- Generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses
- Conversion of Binary Number to Decimal Number
- Painting Fence Algorithm
- All String permutation by using recursion
- Peak element
- Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching
- Topological Sort on DAG
- Check T-Prime
- Aggressive cows
- Minimum operations to make sum of each column & row of square matrix equal
- Expressing n as a product of prime numbers
- Generate all n balanced parenthesis combinations
- Longest substring with k distinct characters
- Longest subarray of sum k
- Minimum Window Substring
- Length of longest substring with no repeating characters
- Maximum of Minimum for every window size
- Maximum Sum Subarray of Size k
- Maximum of all subarray of size k
- First Negative Integer in Every k sized window
- Rotating an NxN 2D array in 90 degrees anticlockwise direction
- Count occurence of Anagram
- Reconstruct Original Digits From English
- First non repeating character in a running stream
- Next greater element
- Is Valid Sudoku
- Find all unique prime factor of any number n
- Find the maximum number formed from 2-digit numbers in an array
- Plus One Problem
- Count Leaves in Binary Tree
- Play With OR
- Delete without head pointer
- Cyclically rotate of an array by one
- Minimum number to form the sum even
- Balanced Array
- Multiply left and right array sum
- Print first letter of every word in the string
- Three Sum
- Unique Number
- Palindrome Number
- Minimum Cost to generate N Cells
- Groups Anagrams
- Reverse individual words in a sentence without stacks
- Inversion Count Problem using Merge Sort
- Minimum circles to be removed
- Busy Man
- All unique permutations
- Minimum rounds to achieve n jobs
- Max Topology Short
- Minimum rounds to achieve n jobs
- Dividing tasks to Students
- Connecting Dots
- Friends Pairing
- Four Sum
- Replace nodes by sum of its child nodes
- Building a Wall
- Baised Standings
- Queue using linked list
- kReverse in a LinkedList
- Construct binary tree using inorder and preorder
- Detection of Cycle in Linked List
- Reverse Queue content using Stack
- Singly Linked List Operations Using Unique Key
- Add Post-Order Tree Traversal
- Number of Good Pairs
- Level Order Tree Traversal
- AVL Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- Binary Tree
- Circular Linkedlist
- Validating BST
- Diameter of Binary Tree
- Doubly Linked List
- Double Ended Queue
- Hashtable with separate chaining
- Heap Sort
- Middle Element of a Linked List
- Leaf Nodes in Binary Search Tree
- Detect Cycle in Linked List
- Linked List
- Max and Min heap Implementation
- Nodes At A Distance K From A Given Target Node In A Binary Tree
- Prims Algorithm
- Priority Queue
- Queue
- Queue Linked List
- Queue using Circular Array
- Red Black Tree
- Reverse Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Stack using Array
- Stack using Linked List
- Tim Sort
- Trie Implementation
- Vector
- Ancestors in Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree
- Threaded Binary Tree
- Merge two sorted Linked Lists
- Alternate Merging of nodes of two linked lists
- Circular Queue
- BST from preorder traversal
- Priority Queue using Array
- Linear Probing
- Quadratic Probing
- Double Hashing
- Flattening binary tree into Linkedlist in-place
- Ascending Priority Queue
- Priority Queue using Linked List
- Maximum Width of Binary Tree
- Inversion Vector of a Singly Linked List
- inverse of an array
- Iterative postorder traversal
- Iterative preorder traversal
- Iterative inorder traversal
- Descending Priority Queue
- Invert a given binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree Validation
- Maximum Element of Binary Tree
- Maximum Sum Level Of Binary Tree
- Symmetric Binary Tree or Not
- Vertical Order Traversal Of Binary Tree
- Height of Binary Tree without using Recusrsion
- Print all Root to Leaf paths of Given Binary Tree
- Maximum Root to Leaf Path sum of a Binary Tree
- Common Ancestors of Given Nodes of a Binary Tree
- Maximum Leaf to Leaf Path Sum of a Binary Tree
- Kth Smallest Element of Binary Tree
- Zig Zag Level Order Traversal Of a Binary Tree
- Vertical Level Sums of a Binary Tree
- Sum of Elements of given N ary Tree
- Check if given two Binary Trees are structurally identical or not
- Shortest Distance between two nodes of BST
- Floor value of a given number in the given BST
- Print all node values of a given BST, which lies within the given range
- Check if two given trees are Quasi Isomorphic or not
- Build a Balanced BST with given vector of values
- Given a BST check if it is AVL Tree or not
- Append Last N To First
- Searching in BST
- Binary tree using stack (iterative method to construct tree)
- Queue using Stacks
- First Fit memory Allocation
- Best Fit memory Allocation
- Worst Fit memory Allocation
- Adjacency List Representation
- Articulation points in an Undirected Graph
- Bellman Ford's Algorithm
- Best First Search Algorithm
- Breadth First Search Tree Traversal
- Bidirectional Seach using BFS in undirected graph
- Bridges in an Undirected Graph
- Boruvka's Algorithm for finding MST
- Celebrity Problem
- Check for bipartite graph
- Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph
- Cycle Detection in Graph
- Depth First Search Algorithm
- Depth Of Tree
- Detect Negative Cycle in Graph
- Diagonal Traversal
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Edmond Karp's Algorithm
- Flood fill
- Floyd Warshall ALgorithm (ASSP)
- Number of Connected Components
- In-order (LNR) Tree Traversal
- Kosaraju Algorithm
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Largest distance between 2 nodes of a Tree
- Min and Max element in BST
- Post-order (LRN) Tree Traversal
- Pre-order (NLR) Tree Traversal
- Prim's Algorithm
- Minimum distance of each node using SSSP on trees by DFS
- Toplogical Sort in Diredted Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Tarjan's Algorithm
- Vertical Order print of Binary Tree
- Left view of Tree
- Right view of Tree
- Breadth First Search
- ZigZag traversal of Tree
- Kahn's Algorithm
- Shortest Path in Unweighted Graph
- Depth first Search for a graph
- Diameter of Binary Tree
- Check Path in Graph
- Top view of Tree
- 3 Cycle
- Iterative procedure for dfs traversal
- Center of Star Graph
- Binary Search
- Bilinear Search
- Exponential Search
- Interpolation Search
- Jump Search
- Linear Search
- Manacher's Algorithm
- Randomized Select Search
- Staircase Search
- Tenary Search
- Fibonacci Search
- Unbounded Binary Search
- Sublist Search
- Recursive Binary Search
- Pair of nodes in the BST which sum to S
- Sqrt Monotonic Binary Search
- Bead Sort
- Binary Search Tree Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Circle Sort
- Cocktail shaker sort
- Comb sort
- Count Sort
- Counting Sort
- Heap Sort
- In Place Merge Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Pigeon hole Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort
- Randomized Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Shell Sort
- Single loop sorting
- Topological Sort
- Topological Sort
- Sleep Sort
- Stooge Sort
- Three Way Merge Sort
- Wave Sort
- Wiggle Sort
- Quotient-Remainder Sort
- Binary-Insertion Sort
- Infix to Postfix Conversion
- Check for balanced parenthesis
- Evaluation of Postfix Expression
- Largest rectangular area under histogram
- Maximum possible length of balanced bracket sequence
- Stock Span Problem
- Evaluate string expression BODMAS
- Previous Greater Element
- Next greatest element to the right
- Infix to Postfix conversion
- Next smallest element to the right
- Smallest element in an array
- Sort stack using recursion
- Cloning stack without extra space
- Checking if a linked list is palindromic
- Check palindrome using stack
- Postfix to Prefix Conversion
- Next greatest element to the left
- Median in a running stream of integers
- Merge K sorted arrays
- K Closest Points to Origin
- Cheapest flights within k stops
- Heap implementation and basic queries on it
- Reconstruct Itinerary Problem implementation using Hashmap
- Kth Smallest Element in an array
add list here
- Ackermann Function
- Armstrong Number
- Binary Exponentiation
- Catalan number
- Check if a Number is a Palindrome
- Counting divisors using sieve of Eratosthenes
- Difference_of_Two_Strings
- Double factorial
- Euler's_Totient_Function
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Factorial Space Optimized
- Fibonacci without Recursion
- Find Smallest Prime Factor
- Hamming Distance
- Number is Power of 2
- Palindrome Number
- Pythagorean Triples Generator
- Sum of Divisors
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sum of Digits of a number
- Ugly Numbers
- Print Pallindrome Partitions
- Remove Invalid Parentheses
- Sudoku Solver
- N queens
- Word Break Problem
- Noble Integer
- Modular Exponentiation
- Number of Digits
- Number of Divisors
- Binomial Coefficient (under modulo)
- Magic Number
- Converting decimal number to binary
- Neon Number
- Krishnamurthy Number
- Smallest Divisible Number
- Tower Of Hanoi
- Happy Number
- Sieve of Atkins
- Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
- Matrix Addition
- Matrix Subtraction
- Matrix Multiplication
- Matrix Transpose
- Matrix Rotation 90 degree to right
- Mystery Number
- Integer to Roman
- Reordered Power of 2
- Automorphic Number
- Roman to Integer
- Strong Number
- Perfect Number
- Reverse a Number
- Fibonacci Recursive
- Lucky Number
- Arithmetic Slices
- Coin Change Problem
- Edit distance
- Egg Dropping Problem
- Factorial top to bottom
- Factorial bottom to top
- Fibonacci bottom to top
- Fibonacci top to bottom
- Implement Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Longest common sub sequence
- Longest Decreasing Subsequence
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Maximum Subarray Sum (Constant Space)
- Maximum Sum Rectangle
- Maximum Sum Decreasing Subsequence
- Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
- Maximum Square Matrix With All 1s
- Minimum Sum Partition using DP
- Number Of Binary Trees
- Number of subsets with given difference
- Palindrome_Partioning
- Partition Problem
- Rectangle Cutting Problem
- Golomb Sequence
- String permutations
- Wild Card Pattern Matching
- Unique BST
- Zero One Knapsack
- ZeroN Knapsack
- K-Tree
- Sprague Grundy Theorem on Strings
- Minimum number of deletion to make palindrome
- Printing Shortest Common Supersequence
- Shortest Common Superstring
- Staircase using dp
- Count the number of subset with a given difference
- Coin change problem maximum ways
- Subset Sum using DP
- Equal Sum Partition Problem
- Length of longest palindromic subsequence
- Minimum number of insertions and deletions
- Unbounded Knapsack
- Job Scheduling with Maximum Profit
- Print Longest Common Subsequence
- Pascal's Triangle using DP
- Tiling 2 x N
- Kadane's Algorithm
- Shortest_Uncommon_Subseqence
- House Robber Problem
- Average Submatrix > K
- Catalan Number
- Interleaving strings
- Minimum Insertion Steps to make string palindrome
- Longest Bitonic Subsequence
- Check Kth Bit is Set or Not
- Count Number of Set Bits
- Max_XOR_of_Two_Array
- Brian_Kernighan's Algorithm
- Power of 2
- One odd occuring
- Rotate Bits
- Two odd occuring
- Power_Set_Using_Bitwise
- Reverse Bits
- Sort integers by the number of set bits present in them
- Swap_even_and_odd_bits
- Find duplicate elements using XOR
- Number of Bits to be flipped to Inter-convert Two numbers
- Toggle k-th bit of a number
- Minimum XOR value
add list here
- Affine substitution Cipher
- Rail Fence Transposition Technique
- Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm
- Simple Columnar Transposition Technique
- Simple Columnar with Multiple Rounds Transposition Technique
- Vigenere Cipher
- Vernam Cipher
- Keyword Cipher
- Hill Cipher
- Convex Hull (Jarvis' Algorithm)
- Convex Hull (Graham Scan Algorithm)
- Check Collinearity of Three points
- Check Orientation of Three points
- Find Union of the lengths of line segments
- Transpose of a Square Matrix
- Add Two Linked Lists
- Arranging elements of array to form biggest possible number
- Add two binary numbers
- Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm
- Count Max Possible Subsequence
- Check whether a string is Subsequence
- Count of distinct elements in a window
- Dynamic Huffman
- Divisors of a natural number
- Distinct Subsets of a Set
- Fast Fibonacci Last digit
- Find duplicate elements from an array
- Find the Numbers
- Bigmod Algorithm
- First Missing Positive Number
- Find Minimum element in Rotated and Sorted Array
- Generate all Subsets
- Kth largest element
- Kth Permutation Sequence
- Least Common Multiple
- MEX of an array
- Merging two sorted arrays without extra space
- Palindrome Linked List
- Odd Even Linked List
- Print all codes of a string using recursion
- Rabin Karp Algorithm (using rolling hash)
- Rabin Karp Algorithm (using prefix sum)
- Remove Outermost Parantheses
- Rotate by one
- Russian Peasant Algorithm
- Sliding Window Technique
- String Rotation based on Queries
- Sudoku Solver
- Sum of all the possible divisors of a natural number
- Swap Two Nibbles
- Unique_Number_III
- Find array is Subset of another array
- Reverse a number using stack
- Move all negative numbers to beginning and positive to the end
- Reversing the first K elements of a Queue
- Find Common elements in three sorted arrays
- Find the length of the longest sub-sequence
- Nth Most Occurring Strings
- Find a Median of two Sorted arrays of equal size
- Find a Median of two Sorted arrays of different size
- Find Kth smallest element in a Sorted Matrix
- Find Common Element in row-wise sorted matrix
- Vector of Strings Occurs More than Once
- KnapSack Fractional using Greedy Approach
- Insert Usernames in Database
- Longest Subarray with equal number of 0 and 1
- Set Clear and Check bits
- Iterative approach to print all subsets
- Count of Set Bits in an Integer using Lookup Technique
- Concatenate given strings
- Decimal to Gray code Conversion
- Trapping Rainwater
- 4Sum
- Maximum ELement in a bitonic Array
- Find Kth Element of Two Sorted Array
- Find median in a row-wise sorted Matrix
- Allocate minimum number of pages
- Gray inverse Code
- Phone Keypad
- Sorting an array of zeroes and ones
- Pair-star
- Activity Selection
- Job sheduling with given deadlines
- Union and Intersection of arrays
- Repeating and Missing Number
- Kth missing Positive integer in sorted Array
- Triplet Sum in array
- Minimum Sum Partition using Recursion