You are the Dungeon Master for a public DnD game at your local comic shop and recently you've had some trouble keeping your players' info neat and organized so you've decided to write a bit of code to help keep them sorted!
The goal of this code is to create an array of objects that stores a player's name and contact number from a given string.
The method should return an empty array if the argument passed is an empty string or nil
player_manager("John Doe, 8167238327, Jane Doe, 8163723827") returns [{"player": "John Doe", "contact": 8167238327}, {"player": "Jane Doe", "contact": 8163723827}]
player_manager(None) returns []
player_manager("") returns []
Have at thee!
def player_manager(players):
def player_manager(players):
contacts = []
if players:
for e,i in enumerate(players.split(", ")):
if e % 2 == 0:
temp = {}
temp["contact"] = int(players.split(", ")[e+1])
temp["player"] = i
return contacts
return []