Define String.prototype.toAlternatingCase
(or a similar function/method such as to_alternating_case
in your selected language; see the initial solution for details) such that each lowercase letter becomes uppercase and each uppercase letter becomes lowercase. For example:
"hello world".toAlternatingCase() === "HELLO WORLD"
"HELLO WORLD".toAlternatingCase() === "hello world"
"hello WORLD".toAlternatingCase() === "HELLO world"
"HeLLo WoRLD".toAlternatingCase() === "hEllO wOrld"
"12345".toAlternatingCase() === "12345" // Non-alphabetical characters are unaffected
"1a2b3c4d5e".toAlternatingCase() === "1A2B3C4D5E"
"String.prototype.toAlternatingCase".toAlternatingCase() === "sTRING.PROTOTYPE.TOaLTERNATINGcASE"
def to_alternating_case(string):
def to_alternating_case(string):
return "".join([c.swapcase() for c in string])