PHP SDK for econnect PSB (
PHP 8.2 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"QbilSoftware/econnect-psb-php": "@dev-main"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: Subscription-Key
$config = \EConnect\Psb\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();
->setApiKey('Subscription-Key', '{subscription key}');
$authN = new \EConnect\Psb\Authentication($config);
$authN->login('{clientId}', '{clientSecret}');
$salesInvoiceApi = new EConnect\Psb\Api\SalesInvoiceApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$yourPartyId = "senderPartyId";
$filePath = "./Ubl.xml";
$receiverPartyId = null;
$salesInvoiceApi->sendSalesInvoice($yourPartyId, $filePath, $receiverPartyId);
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
HookApi | getHookConfigs | GET /api/v1/hook | Get registered environment hooks. |
HookApi | getHooks | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/hook | Get registered hooks. |
HookApi | removeHookConfig | DELETE /api/v1/hook/{hookId} | Delete default hook. |
HookApi | sendHookPing | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/hook/ping | Send ping to hook(s). |
HookApi | setHookConfig | PUT /api/v1/hook | Add or update environment hook. |
HookApi | subscribe | PUT /api/v1/{partyId}/hook | Add or update hook. |
HookApi | unSubscribe | DELETE /api/v1/{partyId}/hook/{hookId} | Delete hook. |
MeApi | getUser | GET /api/v1/me | Get user. |
MeApi | getUserParty | GET /api/v1/me/party | Get parties. |
PeppolApi | getDeliveryOptions | GET /api/v1/peppol/deliveryOption | Advanced recipient party lookup in Peppol. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | deletePurchaseInvoice | DELETE /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/{documentId} | Delete purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | downloadPurchaseInvoice | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/{documentId}/download | Download purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | getPurchaseInvoiceStatuses | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/{documentId}/status | Get purchase invoice statuses. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | queryRecipientPartyForInvoiceResponse | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/queryRecipientParty | Lookup the recipient party (seller/supplier) for possible delivery. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | recognizePurchaseInvoice | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/recognize | Recognize purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoiceApi | sendInvoiceResponse | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseInvoice/{documentId}/response | Send invoice response to let the seller know the status of the received invoice. |
PurchaseOrderApi | apiV1PartyIdPurchaseOrderDocumentIdStatusGet | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseOrder/{documentId}/status | Get purchase order statuses. |
PurchaseOrderApi | apiV1PartyIdPurchaseOrderQueryRecipientPartyPost | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseOrder/queryRecipientParty | Lookup the recipient party (seller) for possible delivery. |
PurchaseOrderApi | sendOrderCancellation | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseOrder/{documentId}/cancel | Send order cancellation to let the seller know the order is cancelled. |
PurchaseOrderApi | sendPurchaseOrder | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/purchaseOrder/send | Send a purchase order. |
SalesInvoiceApi | getSalesInvoiceStatuses | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/salesInvoice/{documentId}/status | Get sales invoice statuses. |
SalesInvoiceApi | queryRecipientPartyForSalesInvoice | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/salesInvoice/queryRecipientParty | Lookup the recipient party (buyer/customer) for possible delivery. |
SalesInvoiceApi | recognizeSalesInvoice | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/salesInvoice/recognize | Recognize sales invoice. |
SalesInvoiceApi | sendSalesInvoice | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/salesInvoice/send | Send an invoice. |
SalesOrderApi | deleteSalesOrder | DELETE /api/v1/{partyId}/salesOrder/{documentId} | Delete sales order. |
SalesOrderApi | downloadSalesOrder | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/salesOrder/{documentId}/download | Download sales order. |
SalesOrderApi | getSalesOrderStatuses | GET /api/v1/{partyId}/salesOrder/{documentId}/status | Get sales order statuses. |
SalesOrderApi | queryRecipientPartyForOrderResponse | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/salesOrder/queryRecipientParty | Lookup the recipient party (buyer/customer) for possible delivery. |
SalesOrderApi | sendOrderResponse | POST /api/v1/{partyId}/salesOrder/{documentId}/response | Send order response to let the buyer know the status of the received order. |
UserApi | addOrUpdateUser | PUT /api/v1/user | Add or update users. |
UserApi | addOrUpdateUserParty | PUT /api/v1/user/{name}/party | Add or update user's party. |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /api/v1/user/{name} | Delete user. |
UserApi | deleteUserParty | DELETE /api/v1/user/{name}/party/{partyId} | Removes user's party. |
UserApi | getUserParties | GET /api/v1/user/{name}/party | Get user's parties. |
UserApi | getUsers | GET /api/v1/user | List users. |
- DeliveryOption
- Document
- DocumentFamily
- DocumentStatus
- Hook
- InvoiceResponse
- InvoiceResponseActions
- InvoiceResponseCodes
- InvoiceResponseReasons
- LookupParty
- OrderCancellation
- OrderDocumentFamily
- OrderResponse
- OrderResponseCodes
- Party
- PartyPagedResult
- PartyPermissions
- ProcessId
- TransportProtocol
- User
- UserParty
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- ap: Procurement Service Bus API
- vpd: Validated Party Service API
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Subscription-Key
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Generator version:
- Generator version:
- Build package: