Gateway is a set of apis that are used as a backend for providers.
docker build -t qiskit/qiskit-serverless/gateway:<VERSION> .
Variable | Description |
DEBUG | run application on debug mode |
SITE_HOST | host of site that will be created for Django application |
RAY_HOST | Host of Ray head node that will be assigned to default created compute resource |
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME | username for admin user that is created on launch of container |
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD | password for admin user that is created on launch of container |
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL | email for admin user that is created on launch of container |
QUANTUM_PLATFORM_API_BASE_URL | URL for custom token authentication |
SETTINGS_TOKEN_AUTH_USER_FIELD | user field name for custom token authentication mechanism. Default userId . |
SETTINGS_TOKEN_AUTH_TOKEN_FIELD | user field name for custom token authentication mechanism. Default apiToken . |
SETTINGS_AUTH_MECHANISM | authentication backend mechanism. Default mock_token . Options: mock_token and custom_token . If custom_token is selected then QUANTUM_PLATFORM_API_BASE_URL must be set. |
SETTINGS_TOKEN_AUTH_VERIFICATION_FIELD | name of a field to use for token verification |
RAY_KUBERAY_NAMESPACE | namespace of kuberay resources. Should match kubernetes namespace |
RAY_NODE_IMAGE | Default node image that will be launched on ray cluster creation |
RAY_CLUSTER_MODE_LOCAL | 0 or 1. 1 for local mode (docker compose), 0 for cluster mode where clusters will be created by kuberay |
RAY_CLUSTER_MODE_LOCAL_HOST | if RAY_CLUSTER_MODE_LOCAL set to 1, then this host for ray head node will be used to run all workloads |
LIMITS_JOBS_PER_USER | number of concurrent programs/jobs user can run at single point of time |
LIMITS_MAX_CLUSTERS | number of compute resources can be allocated in single point of time |
RAY_CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_CPU | default compute kuberay template cpu setting |
RAY_CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_MEM | default compute kuberay template memory setting |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_REPLICAS | worker replicas per cluster |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_REPLICAS_MAX | maximum number of worker replicas per cluster |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_MIN_REPLICAS | min worker replicas per cluster for auto scaling |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_MIN_REPLICAS_MAX | maximum number of min worker replicas per cluster for auto scaling |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_MAX_REPLICAS | max replicas per cluster for auto scaling |
RAY_CLUSTER_WORKER_MAX_REPLICAS_MAX | maximum number of max worker replicas per cluster for auto scaling |
RAY_CLUSTER_MAX_READINESS_TIME | max time in seconds to wait for cluster readiness. Will fail job if cluster is not ready in time. |
QISKIT_IBM_URL | Authentication url for QiskitRuntimeService that will be set for each job |