This repository adds config to automatically translate fancybox into polish.
It works with the newest version of fancybox 3, and is compatible with 3.5.x versions od Fancybx.
All you have to do to translate already installed fancybox into polish is to follow two simple steps.
npm install fancybox-polish
yarn add fancybox-polish
Remember to add translation after you load main fancybox library.
<script src="node_modules/fancybox-polish/fancybox.i18n.polish.js"></script>
This file contains simple (but full) config to translate fancybox, which only provides English and German language for now.
$ = {
CLOSE : 'Zamknij',
NEXT : 'Dalej',
PREV : 'Wstecz',
ERROR : 'Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania zawartości.<br>Spróbuj ponownie.',
PLAY_START : 'Włącz pokaz slajdów',
PLAY_STOP : 'Zatrzymaj pokaz slajdów',
FULL_SCREEN : 'Pełny ekran',
THUMBS : 'Miniatury',
DOWNLOAD : 'Pobierz',
SHARE : 'Udostępnij',
ZOOM : 'Przybliż'
$.fancybox.defaults.lang = 'pl';