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Dylan Stark edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 1 revision

Usage information of the qthreads implementation of the Concurrent Collections model.


The project contains an implementation of the Concurrent Collections model. We call this implementation qtCnC.

The implementation is based only on headers, so there will be no need to build, just download the code.

The implementation has a similar interface (API) with the [ Intel Concurrent Collection] implementation, so in most cases, programs built for Intel CnC work on qtCnC after removing some more advanced APIs (Tuners) that are present in the Intel implementation.

The qtCnC repository contains samples from Intel adapted for the qtCnC API. They serve as good tutorials/examples.


"The Flexible Preconditions Model for Macro-Dataflow Execution". Dragos Sbirlea, Alina Sbirlea, Kyle Wheeler, Vivek Sarkar. In the Proceedings of Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale Computing (DFM), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2013


There is no binary package yet.

To use qthreads CnC, you need to

  • First, install qthreads
  • Download the source for qtCnC from the SVN repository:
git clone -b qtCnC qtCnC
  • Set the environment variables QT_CNC_INSTALL and QT_INSTALL to point to the location where you checked out the code above and the the location where you installed qthreads, respectively.
  • Build the samples to check that the installation worked, by typing:
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