This is the paint geometry documentation. Schemas are in Cirru JSON to be compact. Colors are in HSLa so that to be manipulated with [color][color,0.5]. Angles are defined in degree to be easier for written.
Shapes are defined in JSON and rendered in Canvas. Each shape is defined to be modular, and with a base point. Meanwhile performance is not the first priority. This Spec is working in progress. Currently it contains these shapes:
- Line
- Text
- Arc
- Image
- Bezier
- Quadratic
- Save
- Restore
- Alpha
- Scale
- Translate
- Rotate
- Clip
- Path(not ready)
- Shadow(not ready)
- Gradient(not ready)
In this spec, point is written in:
p 1 2
which expands to:
map (:x 1) (:y 2)
And P
is used to reprecent a random point as an example.
For HSLA colors, use this form:
hsla 240 50 50 0.5
and expands to:
:type :line
:base P
:to P
:color $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:close #true
:fill #true
:strokeStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:filleStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:type :line
:base P
:to P
:color $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:close #true
:lineWidth 1
-- cap can be: butt round square
:lineCap :butt
-- join can be: round round miter
:lineJoin :round
:base P
:text :demo
:family :Optima
:size 14
-- align can be: left right center
:textAlign :center
-- baseline can be: top middle bottom alphabetic
:baseLine :middle
:fillStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:type :arc
:base P
:radius 10
:startAngle 30
:endAngle 60
-- anti is short for anticlockwise
:anti #true
-- fill or stroke
:fillStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:strokeStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
Rect is position from its center, so is different from canvas:
:type :rect
:base P
-- half of width and height
:vector P
-- fill or stroke
:fillStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:strokeStyle $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
:type :image
:base P
-- url of image
:src :url
-- full size of desired image
:x 10
:y 10
:w 10
:h 10
-- from source image
:source $ map
:x 10
:y 10
:w 10
:h 10
Quadratic is written the same but with only 1 point in between:
:type :quadratic
:base P
:between $ array P P
-- for quadratics, use a single point
-- :between $ array P
:to P
For shapes that have shadow, use this:
:type :shadow
:vector P
:blur 2
:color $ hsla 240 50 50 0.5
Save canvas state:
:type :save
Restore canvas state:
:type :restore
:type :alpha
:value 0.5
:type :translate
:x 1
:y 1
:type :rotate
:angle 30
:type :scale
:x 2
:y 2
:type :transform
:x $ array 0.5 0.5 1
:y $ array 0.5 0.5 1
:type :clip
:x 10
:y 10
:w 10
:h 10