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File metadata and controls

541 lines (424 loc) · 22.7 KB


This document acts as a Request for Comments (RFC) on the topic of how a Quilt mod's metadata should be formatted. Such changes are intended to provide added value for mod developers, library developers, and users alike.


Since the toolchain is being forked, now is the opportune moment to make large scale changes to many of the systems mod developers use. This RFC describes a more flexible and powerful format for the mod file that defines what a mods definition should look like.


Below is an outline of all defined keys and values.

  • schema_version — The schemaVersion to be used for reading this file
  • quilt_loader — Information related to loading the mod
    • group — The Maven group id
    • id — The mod id
    • provides — Alternative mods provided by this mod
    • version — The mods version
    • entrypoints — Collection of entrypoints
    • plugins — Collection of plugins
    • jars — Array of nested JARs to be loaded
    • language_adapters — Array of language adapters
    • depends — Collection of mod dependencies
    • breaks — Collection of mods that this mod is incompatible with
    • load_type — How eagerly to load this mod
    • repositories — Array of maven repositories
    • intermediate_mappings — The intermediate mappings used
    • metadata — Extra information about this mod and/or its authors
      • name — Human-readable name of this mod
      • description — Human-readable description of this mod
      • contributors — Collection of contributors to this mod
      • contact — Collection of contact information
      • license — One or more licenses this project is under
      • icon — The icon or icons associated with this project
  • mixin — Path(s) to mixin config file(s)
  • access_widener — Path(s) to accesswidener file(s)
  • minecraft - Minecraft related options
    • environment — What game environments this mod applies to

The schema_version field

Type Required
Number True

The quilt mod file schema version to be used for parsing this file. Currently, the only valid version is 1.

The quilt_loader field

Type Required
Object True

Information necessary for the mod loading process.

The group field

Type Required
String True

A unique identifier for the organization behind or developers of the mod. The group string must match the ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$ regular expression, and must not begin with the reserved namespace loader.plugin. It is recommended, but not required, to follow Maven's guide to naming conventions.

The id field

Type Required
String True

A unique identifier for the mod or library defined by this file, matching the ^[a-z][a-z0-9-_]{1,63}$ regular expression. Best practice is that mod ID's are in snake_case.

The provides field

Type Required
Array False

An array of ProvidesObjects describing other mods/APIs that this package provides.

The version field

Type Required
String True

Must conform to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification. In a development environment, the value ${version} can be used as a placeholder by quilt-gradle to be replaced on building the resulting JAR.

The entrypoints field

Type Required
Object False

A collection of key: value pairs, where each key is the type of the entrypoints specified and each values is either a single entrypoint or an array of entrypoints. An entrypoint is an object with the following keys:

  • adapter — Language adapter to use for this entrypoint. By default this is default and tells loader to parse using the JVM entrypoint notation.
  • value — Points to an implementation of the entrypoint. See below for the default JVM notation.

If an entrypoint does not need to specify a language adapter other than the default language adapter, the entrypoint can be represented simply as the value string instead.

JVM entrypoint notation

When referring to a class, the binary name is used. An example of a binary name is my.mod.MyClass$Inner.

One of the following value notations may be used in the JVM notation:

  • Implementation onto a class
    • The value must contain a fully qualified binary name to the class.
    • Implementing class must extend or implement the entrypoint interface.
    • Class must have a no-argument public constructor.
    • Example: example.mod.MainModClass
  • A field inside of a class.
    • The value must contain a fully qualified binary name to the class followed by :: and a field name.
    • The field must be static.
    • The type of the field must be assignable from the field's class.
    • Example: example.mod.MainModClass::THE_INSTANCE
    • If there is ambiguity with a method's name, an exception will be thrown.
  • A method inside of a class.
    • The value must contain a fully qualified binary name to the class followed by :: and a method name.
    • The method must be capable to implement the entrypoint type as a method reference. Generally this means classes which are functional interfaces.
    • Constructor requirement varies based on the method being static or instance level:
      • A static method does not require a public no-argument constructor.
      • An instance method requires a public no-argument constructor.
    • Example: example.mod.MainModClass::init
    • If there is ambiguity with a fields's name or other method, an exception will be thrown.

Other notations

Some language providers may extend the capabilities of the JVM language notation or provide additional notations. For notation rules for other language adapters, consult the capabilities of the language adapter.

The plugins field

Type Required
Array False

An array of loader plugins. A plugin is an object with the following keys:

  • adapter — Language adapter to use for this plugin
  • value — Points to an implementation of the LoaderPlugin interface. Can be in either of the following forms:
    • my.package.MyClass — A class to be instantiated and used
    • my.package.MyClass::thing — A static field containing an instance of a LoaderPlugin

If a plugin does not need to specify a language adapter other than the default language adapter, the plugin can be represented simply as the value string instead.

The jars field

Type Required
Array False

A list of paths to nested JAR files to load, relative to the root directory inside of the mods JAR.

The language_adapters field

Type Required
Object False

A collection of key: value pairs, where each key is the namespace of a language adapter and the value is an implementation of the LanguageAdapter interface.

The depends field

Type Required
Array False

An array of dependency objects. Defines mods that this mod will not function without.

The breaks field

Type Required
Array False

An array of dependency objects. Defines mods that this mod either breaks or is broken by.

The load_type field

Type Required
String False

Influences whether or not a mod candidate should be loaded or not. May be any of these values:

  • "always" (default for mods directly in the mods folder)
  • "if_possible"
  • "if_required" (default for jar-in-jar mods)

This doesn't affect mods directly placed in the mods folder.


If any versions of this mod are present, then one of them will be loaded. Due to how mod loading actually works if any of the different versions of this mod are present, and one of them has "load_type" set to "always", then all of them are treated as it being set to "always".

If Possible

If this mod can be loaded, then it will - otherwise it will silently not be loaded.

If Required

If this mod is in another mods "depends" field then it will be loaded, otherwise it will silently not be loaded.

The repositories field

Type Required
Array False

A list of Maven repository URL strings where dependencies can be looked for in addition to Quilt's central repository.

The intermediate_mappings field

Type Required Default
String False "org.quiltmc:hashed"

The intermediate mappings used for this mod. The intermediate mappings string must be a valid maven coordinate and match the ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+:[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$ regular expression. This field currently only officially supports org.quiltmc:hashed and net.fabricmc:intermediary.

The metadata field

Type Required
Object False

Optional metadata that can be used by mods to display information about the mods installed.

The name field

Type Required
String False

A human-readable name for this mod.

The description field

Type Required
Object False

A human-readable description of this mod. This description should be plain text, with the exception of line breaks, which can be represented with the newline character \n.

The contributors field

Type Required
Object False

A collection of key: value pairs denoting the persons or organizations that contributed to this project. The key should be the name of the person or organization, while the value can be either a string representing a single role or an array of strings each one representing a single role.

A role can be any valid string. The "Owner" role is defined as being the person(s) or organization in charge of the project.

The contact field

Type Required
Object False

A collection of key: value pairs denoting various contact information for the people behind this mod, with all values being strings. The following keys are officially defined, though mods can provide as many additional values as they wish:

  • email — Valid e-mail address for the organization/developers
  • homepage — Valid HTTP/HTTPS address for the project or the organization/developers behind it
  • issues — Valid HTTP/HTTPS address for the project issue tracker
  • sources — Valid HTTP/HTTPS address for a source code repository

The license field

Type Required
Array/String/Object False

The license or array of licenses this project operates under.

A license is defined as either an SPDX identifier string or an object in the following form:

    "name": "Perfectly Awesome License v1.0",
    "id": "PAL-1.0",
    "url": "",
    "description": "This license does things and stuff and says that you can do things and stuff too!"

The "description" field is optional.

The icon field

Type Required
Object/String False

One or more paths to a square .PNG file. If an object is provided, the keys must be the resolution of the corresponding file. For example:

"icon": {
    "32": "path/to/icon32.png",
    "64": "path/to/icon64.png",
    "4096": "path/to/icon4096.png"

The mixin field

Type Required
Array/String/Object False

A single or array of mixin configuration entries.

An entry can either be an object or a string. The mixin configuration entry object has one required field config and an optional field environment. The config field is a path to the mixin config file relative to the root of the mod JAR. The environment field is the environment in which the config should be loaded. If no environment or '*' is set, the mixin config is loaded on both environments.

Providing a string is the same as providing a mixin configuration entry with a config field and no environment field.


"mixin": {
   "config": "modid.mixins.json",
   "environment": "client"
"mixin": "modid.mixins.json"
"mixin": [
      "config": "modid_client.mixins.json",
      "environment": "client"

The access_widener field

Type Required
Array/String False

A single or array of paths to access widener files relative to the root of the mod JAR.

The minecraft field

Type Required
Object False

Contains flags and options related to Minecraft specifically.

The environment field

Type Required
String False

Defines the environment(s) that this mod should be loaded on. Valid values are:

  • "*" — All environments (default)
  • "client" — The physical client
  • "dedicated_server" — The dedicated server

Custom Elements

In addition to the defined elements above, mods and libraries will be able to add their own elements to the quilt mod file. Mods will be expected to define up to one top-level element corresponding to their mod id. The element can be of any type, so that mods can define either a single value, array of values, or a sub-object.


An example quilt.mod.json:

    "schema_version": 1,
    "quilt_loader": {
        "group": "org.quiltmc",
        "id": "example_mod",
        "provides": [
                "id": "super_awesome_lib",
                "version": "1.0.0"
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "entrypoints": {
            "main": [
            // Since we only have a single client endpoint, no array is needed.
            "client": "org.quiltmc.examplemod.impl.client.ExampleModClient"
        "depends": [
                "id": "modmenu",
                "environment": "client"
        "breaks": [
                "id": "sodium",
                "reason": "Sodium does not implement the Quilt Rendering API.",
                "unless": "indium"
                "id": "some_random_library",
                "versions": "1.23.456"
                "id": "some_random_library",
                "reason": "Stable API required",
                "versions": "<1.0.0"
                "id": "some_random_library",
                "reason": "Contain game-breaking bugs",
                "versions": [
        "metadata": {
            "name": "Quilt Example Mod",
            "description": "An example mod for the Quilt ecosystem.",
            "contributors": {
                "Haven King": "Developer"
            "contact": {
                "homepage": ""
            "license": "CC0-1.0",
            "icon": "assets/modid/icon.png"
    "mixin": [


Strings with defined formats such as the version field can instead supply a string matching the regex ^\$\{[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*\}$ in a development environment to be replaced on build. The quilt-gradle plugin defines usage of the value ${version} as a placeholder for the version declared in

Dependency Objects

A dependency object defines what mods/plugins a given mod depends on or breaks. It can be represented as either an object containing at least the id field, a string mod identifier in the form of either mavenGroup:modId or modId, or an array of dependency objects. If an array of dependency objects is provided, the dependency matches if it matches ANY of the dependency objects for the "depends" and "unless" fields, and ALL for the "breaks" field.

The id field

Type Required
String True

A mod identifier in the form of either mavenGroup:modId or modId.

The versions field

Type Required Default
Array/Object/String False "*"

A version specifier, or complex set of version specifiers that control what versions match this dependency object.

It is an error to specify multiple constraints that conflict with each other (where no version would match the whole specifier).

It is an error when the resulting version specifier matches every version, and isn't the single string "*", or uses the deprecated array style of definition.


Should be a single version specifier defining the versions this dependency applies to.

Array (Deprecated)

Should be an array of version specifiers defining the versions this dependency applies to. The dependency matches if it matches ANY of the listed versions.

This usage is discouraged as many mod developers wrongly assumed this was "ALL" rather than "ANY", leading to unfortunate situations where mods depend on [ ">=1.18.1", "<1.19.3" ], which actually matches every version of Minecraft, rather than just the versions between 1.18.1 and 1.19.2.

  • Quilt Loader will emit a formatting warning when discovering mods that use this.
  • Quilt Loader will not emit errors if this is used.
  • Future schema versions will likely remove this array functionality.


This must contain a single field, which must either be any or all.

The field value must be an array, with more constraints. Each element of the array must either be a string version specifier, or an object which is interpreted in the same way as the versions field itself.

The reason field

Type Required
String False

A short, human-readable reason for the dependency object to exist.

The optional field

Type Required Default
Boolean False false

Dependencies marked as optional will only be checked if the mod/plugin specified by the id field is present.

The unless field

Type Required
DependencyObject False

Describes situations where this dependency can be ignored. For example:

    "id": "sodium",
    "unless": "indium"

Game providers and loader plugins can also add their own optional fields to the dependency object for extra context when resolving dependencies. The Minecraft game provider, for instance, might define an "environment" field that can be used like so:

    "id": "modmenu",
    "environment": "client"

Provides Objects

Defines the identifier and optionally version range of another mod that this package provides. It can be represented as either an object containing at least the id field, or a string mod identifier in the form of either mavenGroup:modId or modId.

The id field

Type Required
String True

A mod identifier in the form of either mavenGroup:modId or modId.

The version field

Type Required
String False

Should be a valid mod version. If omitted, then this defaults to the version of the providing mod.

Version Specifier

A version range specifier can make use of any of the following patterns:

  • * — Matches any version. Will fetch the latest version available if needed
  • 1.0.0 — Matches the most recent version greater than or equal to version 1.0.0 and less than 2.0.0
  • =1.0.0 — Matches exactly version 1.0.0 and no other versions
  • >=1.0.0 — Matches any version greater than or equal to 1.0.0
  • >1.0.0 — Matches any version greater than version 1.0.0
  • <=1.0.0 — Matches any version less than or equal to version 1.0.0
  • <1.0.0 — Matches any version less than version 1.0.0
  • 1.0.x — Matches any version with major version 1 and minor version 0.
  • ~1.0.0 — Matches the most recent version greater than or equal to version 1.0.0 and less than 1.1.0
  • ^1.0.0 — Matches the most recent version greater than or equal to version 1.0.0 and less than 2.0.0


The primary drawback to this proposed format is the break from convention established by the Fabric project. It may make it more difficult for modders to adjust to the new toolchain if they are having to make drastic changes to their mod files.

Rationale and Alternatives

It makes sense to take advantage of the breaking divergence of the toolchain to make changes that are better for Quilt's future. We could stick more strictly to the fabric.mod.json specification, but we would lose a lot of the advantages that this iteration has.

Prior Art

This specification builds upon the Fabric projects existing fabric.mod.json v1 specification.

The contributors section is loosely based on that of the Sponge projects plugin metadata specification.

The structure for this specification is loosely based on the Rust project's manifest format specification.

Unresolved Questions

  • How will the community (particularly the development community) react to these changes?
  • What changes will need to be made in Loader to facilitate this new structure?