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REST API - Beetle Classifier


Every year, TUI organizes an Hackathon of 24 hours in our University. This year, one of the scenarios required to develop an application to classify different species of Beetle using only images that the guests provided.

We decided to develop a REST API using Flask that runs an Image classifier fine-tuned on a MobileNet V2. The model achieved 80% accuracy on test dataset on 10 different species.


0 - Setup

Follow the guide Here

1 - Create TFRecords

dataset contains 10 folders, one for each beetle specie. Each beetle specie has around 200 images that we took from google images using a simple javascript script.

In order to convert the original images to TFRecords, create the folder data and run:


Once finished, the TFRecords will be in the folder data.

2 - Allows fine-tune on custom dataset

In order to fine-tune the model on our dataset, I need to develop a data provider and add it to slim src code. To achieve this:

2.1 - Create my data provider

models/research/slim/datasets/ stores the datasets that can be used to train the network. So, I modified to accomodate mine which I called It is in the same folder of

2.2 - Add the data provider to

models/research/slim/datasets/ has been modified in order to accomodate our dataset. In, I simply added our dataset name 'beetle' which links to the file just created.

Now, we are ready to train the model.

3 - Download and prepare the pre-trained model

From Here you can download one of the pre-trained models.

We used MobileNet_v2_1.4_224 which seems to offer the best trade-off accuracy-speed, unzipped and stored in a folder called mobilenet. In models/research/slim.

Which variables train?

In at line 358, after for var in slim.get_model_variables():. You can add a print(var) to display all the variables that the loaded model has.

4 - Run the training

In models/research/slim/ create a folder called myModel which is going to store the new trained model and the tensorboard logs. Inside it, create also a folder called eval which will store the tensorboard logs for the model evaluation.

In models/research/slim/ create a folder called data and move the the TFRecords created before in it.

Finally, from models/research/slim/, run:

python \
    --train_dir=myModel \
    --dataset_dir=data/ \
    --dataset_split_name=train \
    --dataset_name=beetle \
    --model_name=mobilenet_v2_140 \
    --checkpoint_path=mobilenet/mobilenet_v2_1.4_224.ckpt \
    --checkpoint_exclude_scopes=MobilenetV2/Logits \
    --trainable_scopes=MobilenetV2/Logits \
    --clone_on_cpu=True \
    --save_interval_secs=300 \

You can also specify:

  • --optimizer: "adadelta", "adagrad", "adam",' '"ftrl", "momentum", "sgd" or "rmsprop"
  • --save_interval_secs: The frequency which the model is saved, in seconds.
  • --save_summaries_secs: The frequency which the tensorboard logs are saved, in seconds.
  • --clone_on_cpu: Set to True to run on cpu if you don't have a gpu

Note: It automically applies data augmentation. In fact, passing as model_name=mobilenet_v2_140, it uses models/research/slim/preprocessing/ to augment the data.

5 - Run the evaluation

If you want the evaluation while you are training the model, overwrite with mine. Then, always from models/research/slim/, run:

python \
    --alsologtostderr \
    --checkpoint_path=myModel/ \
    --dataset_dir=data/ \
    --dataset_name=beetle \
    --dataset_split_name=test \
    --model_name=mobilenet_v2_140 \

During the evaluation the training stops.

If outOfMemory, try to reduce batch size adding the flag --batch_size= (default is 100)

6 - Export the trained model

Once the training is finished, move into models/research/slim/ and run:

python \
    --checkpoint_path= myModel/ \

It will create a file called exportedModel.pb which is the frozen graph.

7 - Run the API

Put the image that you want to predict inside static folder. Then, serve the Flask API calling


Open your browser and go to localhost:5000/upload.