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Version: 1.3.1 Type: application AppVersion: 2.1.5

A Helm chart for RADAR-Base Management Portal to manage projects and participants throughout RADAR-base.



Name Email Url
Keyvan Hedayati
Yatharth Ranjan
Pauline Conde

Source Code


  • Kubernetes 1.22+
  • Kubectl 1.22+
  • Helm 3.1.0+


Key Type Default Description
replicaCount int 1 Number of Management Portal replicas to deploy
image.repository string "radarbase/management-portal" Management Portal image repository
image.tag string nil Management Portal image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Management Portal image pull policy
imagePullSecrets list [] Docker registry secret names as an array
nameOverride string "" String to partially override management-portal.fullname template with a string (will prepend the release name)
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override management-portal.fullname template with a string
podSecurityContext object {} Configure management-portal pods' Security Context
securityContext object {} Configure management-portal containers' Security Context
service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes Service type
service.port int 8080 Management Portal port
disable_tls bool false Reconfigure Ingress to not force TLS
advertised_protocol string "https" The protocol in advertised URIs (https, http)
ingress.enabled bool true Enable ingress controller resource
ingress.annotations object check values.yaml Annotations that define default ingress class, certificate issuer
ingress.path string "/managementportal" Path within the url structure
ingress.pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Ingress Path type
ingress.ingressClassName string "nginx" IngressClass that will be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)
ingress.hosts list ["localhost"] Hosts to accept requests from
ingress.tls.secretName string "radar-base-tls" TLS Secret Name
resources.limits object {"cpu":2,"memory":"1700Mi"} CPU/Memory resource limits
resources.requests object {"cpu":"100m","memory":"512Mi"} CPU/Memory resource requests
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
tolerations list [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
affinity object {} Affinity labels for pod assignment
extraEnvVars list [] Extra environment variables
customLivenessProbe object {} Custom livenessProbe that overrides the default one
livenessProbe.enabled bool true Enable livenessProbe
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60 Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 90 Period seconds for livenessProbe
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 Timeout seconds for livenessProbe
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 Success threshold for livenessProbe
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 Failure threshold for livenessProbe
customReadinessProbe object {} Custom readinessProbe that overrides the default one
readinessProbe.enabled bool true Enable readinessProbe
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60 Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 90 Period seconds for readinessProbe
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 Timeout seconds for readinessProbe
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 Success threshold for readinessProbe
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 Failure threshold for readinessProbe
networkpolicy object check values.yaml Network policy defines who can access this application and who this applications has access to
keystore string "" base 64 encoded binary p12 keystore containing a ECDSA certificate with alias radarbase-managementportal-ec and a RSA certificate with alias selfsigned. string "postgresql" host name of the postgres db
postgres.port int 5432 post of the postgres db
postgres.database string "managementportal" database name
postgres.connection_parameters string "" additional JDBC connection parameters e.g. sslmode=verify-full
postgres.user string "postgres" postgres user
postgres.password string "password" password of the postgres user
postgres.ssl.enabled bool false set to true if the connecting to postgres using SSL
postgres.ssl.keystore string "" base64 encoded certificate needed to connect to the PostgreSQL With helmfile, this can be set in a production.yaml.gotmpl file by setting keystore: {{ readFile "certificate.pem"
server_name string "localhost" domain name of the server
catalogue_server string "catalog-server" Hostname of the catalogue-server
identity_server.admin_email string "" The admin email to link to the admin service account. This account should only be used to set up admin-users
identity_server.server_url string nil The publicly accessible server URL for the IDP; needed when deviating from http(s)://server_name/kratos
identity_server.server_admin_url string "http://kratos-admin" The admin server URL for the IDP used for service-to-service requests. Only needs to be accessible from inside the cluster where the managementportal resides
identity_server.login_url string nil The publicly accessible login URL for the IDP; needed when deviating from http(s)://server_name/kratos-ui
authserver.server_url string "http://hydra:4444" The publicly accessible server URL for the authserver; needed when deviating from http(s)://server_name/auth
authserver.server_admin_url string "http://hydra:4445" The admin server URL for the authserver used for service-to-service requests. Only needs to be accessible from inside the cluster where the managementportal resides
authserver.login_url string "http://localhost:4444" The publicly accessible login URL for the authserver; needed when deviating from http(s)://server_name/auth/login
managementportal.catalogue_server_enable_auto_import bool false set to true, if automatic source-type import from catalogue server should be enabled
managementportal.common_privacy_policy_url string "" Override with a publicly resolvable url of the privacy-policy url for your set-up. This can be overridden on a project basis as well.
managementportal.oauth_checking_key_aliases_0 string "radarbase-managementportal-ec" Keystore alias to sign JWT tokens from Management Portal
managementportal.oauth_checking_key_aliases_1 string "selfsigned" Keystore alias to sign JWT tokens from Management Portal
managementportal.oauth_require_aal2 bool true Whether or not to require AAL2 level authentication (i.e. MFA)
managementportal.frontend_client_secret string "xxx" OAuth2 Client secret of the Management Portal frontend application
managementportal.common_admin_password string "xxx" Admin password of the default admin user created by the system
smtp.enabled bool false set to true, if SMTP server should be enabled. Required to be true for production setup string "smtp" Hostname of the SMTP server
smtp.port int 25 Port of the SMTP server
smtp.username string "username" Username of the SMTP server
smtp.password string "secret" Password of the SMTP server
smtp.from string "" Email address which should be used to send activation emails
smtp.starttls bool false set to true,if ttls should be enabled
smtp.auth bool true set to true, if the account should be authenticated before sending emails
oauth_clients object check values.yaml OAuth2 Client configuration

OAuth Client Configuration

List of OAuth client configurations supported by RADAR-base. Each client should be enabled separately, if relevant and used in the installation. Each client configuration has the following setup:

<client_id>: # client id
  enabled: false # set to true, if it should be enabled. Default is false.
  resource_ids: # list of resources that can be accessed by this client.
  client_secret: # Client secret. For public clients, the secret can be empty.
  scope: # List of permissions allowed for this client
  authorized_grant_types: # List of OAuth2 grant types that can be used by this client. e.g. authorization_code, refresh_token,client_credentials
  access_token_validity: # Lifetime of the access token for this client in seconds
  refresh_token_validity: # Lifetime of the refresh token for this client in seconds
  additional_information: # A JSON string containing additional meta-data of this client. e.g. {"dynamic_registration": true} should be set for clients which can automatically register a data source for a subject
  redirect_uri: # Redirect URL for clients which have authorization_code grant-type enabled.
  autoapprove: # List of permissions that can auto-approved when authorization-code flow succeeds.

OAuth 2.0 keystore

ManagementPortal needs a certificate and private key to sign OAuth 2.0 Json Web Tokens (JWT's). This is provided in the form of a so-called keystore. For any installation of RADAR-base, the keystore file MUST be kept confidential, since it is used to generate and verify users identities and permissions. It should also be persisted securely, since any change of the keystore file will cause all apps and clients to require re-identification.

The keystore is a P12 file including an ECDSA certificate with alias radarbase-managementportal-ec and an RSA certificate with alias selfsigned. Run the script bin/keystore-init generate this file. It requires Java to be installed.

Once a valid keystore file is available, its contents should be passed as a base 64 encoded value in the keystore value. When using helmfile, this can be achieved by setting

  keystore: {{ readFile "etc/keystore.p12" | b64enc | quote }}

in production.yaml.gotmpl. If SOPS is used for secrets management, write the following instead:

  keystore: {{ exec "sops" (list "-d" "etc/keystore.p12.enc") | b64enc | quote }}