Managing Stretch Markers (SM) from ReaScript API is complex. Here are some guidelines, following the discussion on FR/Q: Stretch Markers API and Slopes related actions/API functions - Cockos Incorporated Forums
Basically, you have access to have count function, two get functions (one for positions, one for slope), associated with two set functions, and one delete.
All the other thing you might need, like setting rates, moving later SMs (just like with mouse slope editing) etc, need to be calculated using these functions.
SM source positions is related to the positions in source media; it can never be below 0 or above source media length.
SM positions is related to the positions in the item. It can be negative if the item is trimmed and the SM is hidden outside item edge. You have to take care about take start offset.
A SM alone isn't helpful, you have to consider SM by pair/section. When you add a first SM to a item and move it, you will create 3 SM (two segments), one new SM being added at start of item source, and one at end. Taking an SM and its next one make more sense in most cases due to how rate is calculated. SM without a pair can't have a slope.
SM positions are pre Take rate so you don't have to care about this.
A SM section is characterized by its left (start) and right (end) rate. If they are the same, only left one is displayed on REAPER arrange view, and the slope is equal to 0. We can calculate SM sections rates using the following math:
count = reaper.GetTakeNumStretchMarkers( take )
for i = 0, count - 1 do
local slope = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarkerSlope( take, i )
local retval, pos_a, srcpos_a = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarker( take, i )
local retval, pos_b, srcpos_b = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarker( take, i+1 )
-- Calculation
local len_init = srcpos_b - srcpos_a -- length between two SM source positions
local len_after = pos_b - pos_a -- Length between two SM actual item positions
local rate_left = (len_init / len_after) * (1-slope)
local rate_right = (len_init / len_after) * (1+slope)
local rate_ratio = rate_right / rate_left
Rate value can't be equal or below 0.
Slope parameter is a value between -1 (for rate acceleration) and 1 (for rate deceleration); 0 is for left_rate = right_rate
Slope value can be extrapolated from this main equation:
(1+slope) / (1-slope) = rate_right / rate_left
As you can only modify SM pos and slope via API, all your calculation should end by modifying this variables. For eg, if you want to modify rate_right
only, adjusting slope
, you will have to express pos_b
and slope
with a known value of rate_right
, starting from rate_right
and slope
So, from the core equation, you can extrapolate the following:
slope = (rate_ratio - 1) / (rate_ratio + 1)
And then, calculate the SM position based your desired rate_right
pos_b = (1+slope) / rate_right * (len_init) + pos_a
Processing right SM for position change is often the desired way to alter SM positions (like with mouse editing).
Getting all SMs in a table will make calculation faster, debugging easier, and allow to bypass some ReaScript API limitations.
function GetSMData( take )
local SMs = {}
local count = reaper.GetTakeNumStretchMarkers( take )
for i = 0, count - 1 do
local slope = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarkerSlope( take, i )
local retval, pos_a, srcpos_a = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarker( take, i )
local retval, pos_b, srcpos_b = reaper.GetTakeStretchMarker( take, i+1 )
local len_init = srcpos_b - srcpos_a
local len_after = pos_b - pos_a
local rate_right = (len_init / len_after) * (1+slope)
local rate_left = (len_init / len_after) * (1-slope)
if i == count - 1 then -- consider the following for the last SM
rate_right = 1
rate_left = 1
slope = 0
table.insert( sm, {slope = slope, pos = pos_a, srcpos = srcpos_a, len_init = len_init, len_after = len_after, rate_right = rate_right, rate_left = rate_left})
return SMs
One of this strong API limitation is that the Set Slope function doesn't behaves as it does with mouse SM editing. Indeed, with mouse, changing an SM slope ripple all the next SM. With API, nothing is ripple, and so, rate_left
isn't preserved, which might not be expected: you have to deal with offsetting the right SM pos as well.
To make this more efficient, you can make your calculation from first to last SM, and have a cumulated_offset
variable to store how much new_pos_b
has been offset from pos_b
, and adding this value to any every new_pos_b
while looping.
cumulated_offset = 0
for i, sm in ipairs( SMs) do
-- Apply cumulated offset to current marker
local pos_a = sm.pos + cumulated_offset -- current SM pos with cumulated offset
local pos_b = SMs[i+1].pos + cumulated_offset -- next SM pos with cumulated offset
You new_pos_b calculation here and then, based on what you want to achieve
local offset = new_pos_b - pos_b
cumulated_offset = cumulated_offset + offset
-- Setting new value
sm.new_pos = pos_a -- pos with cumulated offset
sm.new_slope = new_slope
SM Set API functions has a strong limitation: a SM can only be inserted between two existing SM. For this reason, we delete any existing SM first before insertion.
function ApplySMData(take, SMs)
local count = reaper.GetTakeNumStretchMarkers( take )
reaper.DeleteTakeStretchMarkers( take, 0, reaper.GetTakeNumStretchMarkers( take ) ) -- Remove existing SM
for i, sm in ipairs(SMs) do
local id = reaper.SetTakeStretchMarker( take, -1, sm.new_pos, sm.srcpos ) -- .new_pos value
if id >= 1 then -- If there is a previous SM, then we can add a slope to the previous marker
reaper.SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope( take, id-1, SMs[i-1].new_slope ) -- .new_slope value.
reaper.Undo_OnStateChange("Apply SM")
An implementation of all this has been made in the following script: X-Raym_Smooth selected items stretch markers transitions by adjusting slope and rate.lua.
In some cases, adding stretch marker by hand could lead to last marker src_pos equal to previous from last marker src_pos, so len_init is 0 and all the next math is wrong. Experimentation involved using + 0.0000001.
Also, if adding an SM at pos = 0
is needed, you might try 0.0000001
Doc written by X-Raym. Thanks mpl for having proved it was possible to edit SM without new API functions, and juliansader who cracked the slope / rate
equation which allowed to get the other equations.