The following operators are part of the distinct rxjava-async
module. They are used to convert synchronous methods into Observables.
start( )
— create an Observable that emits the return value of a functiontoAsync( )
orasyncAction( )
orasyncFunc( )
— convert a function or Action into an Observable that executes the function and emits its return valuestartFuture( )
— convert a function that returns Future into an Observable that emits that Future's return valuedeferFuture( )
— convert a Future that returns an Observable into an Observable, but do not attempt to get the Observable that the Future returns until a Subscriber subscribesforEachFuture( )
— pass Subscriber methods to an Observable but also have it behave like a Future that blocks until it completesfromAction( )
— convert an Action into an Observable that invokes the action and emits its result when a Subscriber subscribesfromCallable( )
— convert a Callable into an Observable that invokes the callable and emits its result or exception when a Subscriber subscribesfromRunnable( )
— convert a Runnable into an Observable that invokes the runable and emits its result when a Subscriber subscribesrunAsync( )
— returns aStoppableObservable
that emits multiple actions as generated by a specified Action on a Scheduler