Thank you for taking time to contribute to! This guide will help you to effectively contribute to the project.
We ask that everyone contributing to this project follow the code of conduct. Please report any violations to @gkapfham.
First, check the Issue Tracker to make sure that someone has not already raised your issue. If you have a new issue to raise, go ahead and raise it! At this point you should decide if your issue is a "Bug report" or a "Feature request" and then click the green "Get started" button. Please follow the provided template when you are describing your issue.
The development team uses the GitHub Flow Model to guide our engineering of this tool and we invite you to also follow it as you make a contribution. If you have a new feature or bug fix that you want the project maintainers to merge into, then you should make a pull request. Please follow the provided template when you are describing your pull request, bearing in mind that the project maintainers will not merge any pull requests that either do not adhere to the template or break any aspects of the automated build. You should read the following subsection to learn more about the project standards to which all of's contributors adhere.