For more recent changes see script header.
// 0.21.0 - Changed way script is loaded.
// 0.20.0 - Version leap due to updated grazer
// - Fixes for new client behavior
// 0.15.0 - Fixed Minimap (Zeach broke it)
// - Fixed Borders(Zeach broke them too)
// - Lite Brite mode added (and some UI issues fixed)
// 2 - Lite Brite, SFX, and BGM settings all saved
// 3 - hack for overflowing chart & updated hardcoded agariomods skins
// 0.14.0 - Major refactoring to help with future updates
// - Support for AgarioMods connect skins
// 0.13.0 - Fixed break caused by recent code changes
// 1 - bug fixes
// - removed direct connect UI (for now)
// 2 - grazer speed improved by removing debug logging & adding artifical 200ms throttle
// 3 - fixed virus poppers
// - fixed ttr calculation
// 6 - fixed flickering grazer lines
// 0.12.0 - Added music and sound effects.
// - Sound effects from
// - Music from
// - Fix: scroll wheel function
// - Fixed blank cell not displaying % diff issue
// - Fixed key bindings triggering while changing name
// 4 - bug fix courtesy of Gjum
// 5 - updated handshake for v548
// 0.11.0 - Fix for v538 fix
// 1 - grazer fixed, time alive and ttr fixed
// 2 - more fixes for stuff I missed
// 3 - onDestroy bugfix
// 4 - update with mikeyk730's latest changes
// 5 - skins should now display in experimental
// 0.10.0 - Mikey's stats screen added
// - Minimap added - idea and code from Gamerlio's bot
// - Our own blobs are no longer considered threats in grazing mode
// 1 - updated skins
// - minimap viruses now green
// - recent server box moved so you can (hopefully) see top 3 players on server
// - bug fixes to minimap
// - added match tag for
// - minimap now disappears when you press C
// 2 - moved last servers window again
// 3 - more window movement
// 0.09.0 - Fixed script break caused by recent changes
// 1 - Shots display next to mass restored
// - Added possible fix for times we might somehow (?!) miss player spawning.
// 2 - Press 'A' to toggle acid mode
// 3 - Name still moved for bitdo skins even with visual assist turned off
// 4 - Changed repos (again)
// 5 - O/P keys didn't match documentation. Changed keys to match documentation.
// O now enables/disables virus firing via mouse, P is for target fixation toggle
// 6 - Fixed issue where TTR displays when you have only 1 blob. (works around issue in official code
// caused by ID not being removed from own IDs)
// 0.08.0 - Fixed bug in handling of skins
// - Press 'C' to toggle display of Zeachy powers.
// - New GM_xmlhttpRequest permission required to check that skins point to
// 1 - tiny bit of refactoring
// - tab key allows you to switch which of your blobs calculations are based on
// - split guide easier to see now
// - WARNING! Press '8' to self destruct (in spectacular fashion when you have large mass)
// 0.07.0 - extended skins support
// 1 - Added new "Extended skins" section
// - Extended skins and skins get name placed underneath the cell
// 0.06.0 - Fixed team colors
// - Added server select
// 0.05.0 - Custom skins returned
// - style imgur skin support
// - skin syntax: `Username
// 1 - fix and skin transparency
// 2 - Nick, Right-click-to-fire, and visualization settings should now be saved between sessions.
// - Grazing visualization lines added
// - V - toggle grazing visualization
// 3 - Fixed a bug in the TTR code that caused everything to show a 30 second TTR
// 0.04.0 - P to toggle right-click mouse fire
// - O to toggle grazing target fixation (less CPU intensive grazing)
// - T will change target when fixation is on.
// - Debug display now has 3 levels of info
// 0.03.0 - E - Virus popper for virus closest to cursor
// - R - Virus popper for virus closest to cell zero
// 1 - Virus nearest to cell zero is highlighted in red
// 2 - M - disable mouse input
// - mouse left click also functions as 'E'
// 3 - Scroll wheel *should* toggle zoom (untested)
// 4 - Mouse scroll wheel tweak
// 5 - Reversed scroll wheel direction processing logic
// - smaller debug text
// - display mod version in debug text.
// - names scaled down slightly to 1.25 times
// 0.02.0 - Multi-cell TTR added (Experimental)
// - Virus shot counters added
// - Names scaled up 1.5 times
// - Shots available added next to mass with tweaked formula set to start at 35 mass
// - Mass line sized up 2 times
// - Percent added to your cell when you split
// - Percent size added to enemy cells
// 0.01 - Initial rewrite
// - Grazer
// - High Score
// - Time alive
// - Map borders
// - split kill range guide
// - Auto display mass
// - Auto set dark mode
// - Color display based on size
// - X/Y coordinate display