####################### Red Pitaya - Learn FPGA #######################
Red Pitaya is a Zynq7 FPGA – based low cost electronic board with many components such as two core ARM processor, fast ADCs, fast DACs, USB, LAN, etc. In many respects Red Pitaya is similar to the Arduino or Rasbery Pi with large community of enthusiasts and increasing collection of open-source material. What makes Red Pitaya even better are two fast ADCs, two fast DACs and, most of all, the programmable logic or field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA). With on-chip FPGA Red Pitaya could be used for high performance computing, state-of-the-art measurement system, signal processing and much more. Having both linux-based processing system and programmable logic Red Pitaya is an ideal board for introduction to the FPGA programming and ultimately for building powerful professional and non-professional projects such as radar, radio systems, vector-network-analyzer, etc
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: ./1_basic_systems/top.rst ./2_basic_verilog/top.rst ./3_vivado_env/top.rst ./4_lessons/top.rst advanced.rst