- how to search a docker image in hub.docker.com
- Download a docker image from hub.docker.com
docker image pull <image_name>:<image_version/tag>
- List out docker images from your local system
- Create/run/start a docker container from image
docker run -d --name <container_Name> <image_name>:<image_version/tag>
d - run your container in back ground (detached)
- Expose your application to host server
docker run -d -p <host_port>:<container_port> --name <container_Name> <image_name>:<Image_version/tag>
docker run -d --name httpd_server -p 8080:80 httpd:2.2
- List out running containers
- List out all docker container (running, stpooed, terminated, etc...)
- run a OS based container which interactive mode (nothing but login to container after it is up and running)
docker run -i -t --name centos_server centos:latest
i - interactive
t - Terminal
- Stop a container
docker stop <container_id>
- Start a container which is in stopped or exit state
docker start <container_id>
- Remove a container
- login to a docker container
docker exec -it <container_Name> /bin/bash