Release date: 06/25/17.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy under Grant No. NSF ACI 1339797, NSF-OCI-1032861, NSF-CCF-00444486, NSF-CNS 0325873, NSF-EIA 0122599, NSF-ACI-0090127, DOE-DE-FC02-01ER25478, DOE-DE-FC02-06ER25768.
LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..
LAPACK developers involved in this release
Julie Langou (University of Tennessee, USA)
Osni Marques (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Ichitaro Yamazaki (University of Tennessee)
Principal Investigators
Jim Demmel (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA)
Julien Langou (University of Colorado Denver, USA)
* MathWorks: Penny Anderson, Amanda Barry, Mary Ann Freeman, Bobby Cheng,
Duncan Po, Pat Quillen, Christine Tobler.
* Intel: Kirana Bergstrom, Eugene Chereshnev
* Gonum: Vladimír Chalupecký
* Julien Schueller (Phimeca)
* Sebastien Villemot (Debian)
* David Seifert (SoapGentoo)
* GitHub Users: andreasnoack@github, ashwinyes@github, balducci@github, cezden@github,
fxcoudert@github, Gjacquenot@github, iyamazaki@github, JeffreySax@github,
marcoippolito@github, martin-frbg@github, michaelwimmer@github, nareshkamboju@github,
neundorf@github, nickkolok@github, nschloe@github, SuperFluffy@github, thielema@github,
tiagofrepereira2012@github, tmijieux@github, turboencabulator@github, zerothi@github
5. Bug Fix
* link:[Closed bugs]
* link:✓&q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aopen%20label%3A%22Type%3A%20Bug%22%20[Open bugs]
* link:[All open issues]
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