This repo will tell you how to create your own custom library.
Open your arduion ide and create a normal ino file as you do for your projects.
- add a .h and .cpp file to it by using (...) 3 dots which located at Right hand top corner under serial monitor.
- name it whatever you want in my case TestLib.h and TestLib.cpp
- in .h file create ifndef loop to check whetere your lib pre existed or not and name it whever you want.
- now if you seed in my example code TestLib.h file we are checknig arduion version and define the lib.
- creating a class to hold your variables.
- ending the class with (;).
- ending the #ifndef by #endif
- add a .h and .cpp file to it by using (...) 3 dots which located at Right hand top corner under serial monitor.
Code in .cpp file
- you write you logic in .cpp file what operation you have to perform in my case it's additon.
- you have to initialize the TestLib.h in .cpp file you created Like #include "TestLib.h"
- To call the members of calls will be like this TestLib:: .
- In my case I'm creating a int called sum which will return addition of the two Varriables.
calling the lib in main code
creation of keywords.txt
- this file is helpful to colour the syntax in ide by defining it's grade
- Are the examples
you can put the 3 file .h .cpp .txt in arduion library files by creating name of folder TestLib