Project version updated for Next.js 13.4.8 [This project will be maintained to remain current with Next.js @latest until otherwise noted.] This is ready to use in its current state project is set up with Jest and React Testing Library for code testing, it has been configured to work with type script. Custom imports have been set up but are currently not working within the testing enviroment. Eslint settings still a WOP refining the configs for Jest & Testing Library as well as Typescript. Uses ESLint to parse to Typescript. Sets specific rules for for testing envrioment (files within the **tests** directory or files with names ending in .spec.js, .test.js, .ts, .jsx, or .tsx). Lots of rule modifications I collected from a few other react projects. Configured Import Resolver to handle custom import settings.
- 📟 Next.js
- 🎓 TypeScript
- ✅ Strict Mode for TypeScript and React 18
- 🚀 Tailwind CSS
- 🔺 Vercel
- 📁 ShadCN UI Library
- 📌 React Icons
- 🍻 Next.js 3rd Parties - GTM
- 📢 Google AdSense
- ✏️ Linter with ESLint (default NextJS, NextJS Core Web Vitals and Airbnb configuration)
- 🛠 Code Formatter with Prettier
- 🦊 Husky for Git Hooks
- 🚫 Lint-staged for running linters on Git staged files
- 🐒 Clerk
- 💐 Daisy UI
- 🌌 Open AI
- 🔗 LangChain
- 🌲 Pinecone
🌈 Neon Shadows
🌀 Slower Spin Animation
🙈 Scrollbar Hide
🌈 Expanded Color Library including Social Media Colors
💯 Maximize lighthouse score
🤖 SEO metadata, JSON-LD and Open Graph tags with Next SEO
🖱️ One click deployment with Vercel (or manual deployment to any hosting services)
- 🛠️ Release
- Page Routes for Pricing, Upload File, Upload Repo, Upgrade Account, Account Settings
- Rate Limiting on Document Upload & file sizes
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- Add comments to all public functions
- Create a CONTRIBUTING guide
- Update the README with installation instructions
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- Visiting another users document page will not show chat or pdf file but it allows you to hang out on blank page, lets kick the user back to the dashboard
- Session tokens only last 1 hour
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- Table of Contents
- Important files and folders
- Configuration
- Questions and Answers
- Next steps
File(s) | Description |
/src/app/lib/util/models |
Where Mongo DB Schema Models are stored |
/src/app/lib/util/actions |
Where Server Actions are stored including: Uploading files to S3, Updating Profile info, and creating Invoices for Tips |
/src/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts |
API Route for user authentication |
/ |
Rename.env.example to .env.local and populate the variables with the correct information from the above services. Alternatively, you can populate the env variables in the Vercel Dashboard and use the Vercel CLI to pull the environment variables from your Vercel project.
Deploy to your testing enviroment on Vercel
npx vercel
The first build will fail with no env variables. Open your Vercel dashboard and copy the entire .env file and paste it in the first line of the Vercel env variable settings and redeploy the project
npx vercel
npx vercel env pull
npm install && npm run dev
When you run this development server, the changes you make in your frontend and backend configuration will be applied live using hot reloading.
Your personal website should be up and running on http://localhost:3000!
To deploy your changes to production using git
git add .
git commit
git push
Alternatively, you can deploy without a git
hosting provider using the Vercel CLI:
npx vercel --prod
Run ESLint
npm run lint
Run ESLint with fixes
npm run lint --fix
Check code for formatting inconsistencies with Prettier
prettier --check.
Format code to project standards with Prettier
prettier --write.
Run Test with Jest & React Testing Library
npm jest
Run Jest in Verbose Mode
npm jest --verbose --watch
Run Jest with Coverage
npm jest --coverage
Run Jest in CI Mode
npm jest --ci
In case of any issues or questions, you can post:
- Next JS Documentation
- Vercel Documentation
- [GitHub Discussions for Vercel][nextjs-vercel]
- GitHub Discussions for Next.js
- Discord Coummunity for Next.js
- Discord Coummunity for Tailwind CSS