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Technical Documentation

Spencer Childress edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 28 revisions

User Requirements

Regression Tests


  • Confirm a legend appears in the top left labeled Visit Status with one legend item per visit status.
  • Confirm visit statuses flagged in the data by the plot_exclude column do not appear in the visit status legend.
  • Confirm the visit status legend info icons (ⓘ) have tooltips that match the contents of the visit_status_description column in the data.


  • Confirm the controls section contains Site, Participant Status, Analysis Subset 1, Analysis Subset 2, Analysis Subset 3, and >1 Overdue Visits filters.
  • Confirm the Participant Status dropdown allows zero or more selections.
  • Confirm the Analysis Subset 2 subsets the set of visits presented in the listing and charts.
  • Confirm the listing and charts react as expected when filters change.


  • Confirm the listing displays initially.
  • Confirm the listing tab is highlighted initially.
  • Confirm that clicking the Charts tab hides the listing, displays the charts, removes the Listing tab highlighting, and highlights the Charts tab.


  • Confirm the listing displays as a heat map without text by default.
  • Confirm the listing has a checkbox in the upper left labeled Display cell text.
  • Confirm the non-visit columns sort alphanumerically.
  • Confirm the visit columns sort by chronologically, i.e. by visit date.
  • Confirm a div appears to the right of Display cell text containing the text of the clicked column, an arrow indiciating sort direction, and an X.
  • Confirm clicking the div removes that column from the sort order.
  • Confirm hovering over visit column headers reveals a breakdown of visit status for that visit.
  • Confirm hovering over any table body row displays a black border underneath that row.
  • Confirm hovering over a participant ID cell reveals a breakdown of visit status for that participant ID.
  • Confirm each and every visit cell tooltip contains participant ID, visit, visit date, and visit status.
  • Confirm checking the Display cell text checkbox reveals the text in each cell and changes the row backgrounds to white and gray striping.
  • Confirm unchecking the Display cell text checkbox hides the text in each cell and sets the cell backgrounds to the color of the associated visit status.
  • Confirm one or more export buttons appear at the bottom of the chart: CSV; XLSX if one of the xlsx or xlsx-style libraries is loaded; and PDF if the jspdf and jspdf-autotable libraries are loaded.
  • Confirm upon clicking an export button a file of the selected format downloads and contains a table with the same structure as the listing.

** Charts**

  • Confirm the settings form in CAT should load controls for each setting.
  • Confirm a chart with participant on the y-axis and visit on the x-axis appears in the Charts tab on the left.
  • Confirm a chart with participant on the y-axis and study day on the x-axis appears in the Charts tab on the right
  • Confirm that each chart can be minimized, split half-screen, or maximized via the buttons in the top right of each chart.
  • Confirm completed/missed visits do not have a white circle in their center, i.e. are solid.
  • Confirm future/expected/overdue visits have a white circle in their center.
  • Confirm visit values are rotated by 45° in the Schedule of Events by Visit chart both at the top of the chart and at the bottom.
  • Confirm Schedule of Events by Visit chart contains rectangles instead of circles for each visit and participant intersection.
  • Confirm unscheduled/early termination visits appear only in the Schedule of Events by Study Day chart.
  • Confirm unscheduled/early termination visits are annotated in the Schedule of Events by Study Day chart with the first character of the visit value, e.g. U for Unscheduled Visit or E for Early Termination Visit.
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