Azure Storage Queues is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. A single queue message can be up to 64 KB in size, and a queue can contain millions of messages, up to the total capacity limit of a storage account.
Common uses of Queue storage include:
- Creating a backlog of work to process asynchronously
- Passing messages between different parts of a distributed application
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Install the Azure Storage Queue client library for Python with pip:
pip install azure-storage-queue
Prerequisites: You must have an Azure subscription, and a Storage Account to use this package.
To create a Storage Account, you can use the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI:
az storage account create -n MyStorageAccountName -g MyResourceGroupName
Requires Python 2.7, 3.5 or later to use this package.
Interaction with Storage Queues starts with an instance of the QueueServiceClient class. You need an existing storage account, its URL, and a credential to instantiate the client object.
To authenticate the client you have a few options:
- Use a SAS token string
- Use an account shared access key
- Use a token credential from azure.identity
Alternatively, you can authenticate with a storage connection string using the from_connection_string
method. See example: Client creation with a connection string.
You can omit the credential if your account URL already has a SAS token.
Once you have your account URL and credentials ready, you can create the QueueServiceClient:
from import QueueServiceClient
service = QueueServiceClient(account_url="https://<my-storage-account-name>", credential=credential)
The Queue service contains the following components:
- The storage account
- A queue which contains a set of messages
- A message, in any format, of up to 64 KB
The Storage Queues SDK provides two different clients to interact with the Queues Service:
- QueueServiceClient - this client interacts with the Queue Service at the account level.
It provides operations to retrieve and configure the account properties
as well as list, create, and delete queues within the account.
For operations relating to a specific queue, a client for that entity
can also be retrieved using the
function. - QueueClient - this client represents interaction with a specific queue, although that queue need not exist yet. It provides operations to create, delete, or configure queues and includes operations to enqueue, receive, peak, delete, and update messages in the queue.
Once you've initialized a Client, you can use the following operations to work with the messages in the queue:
- Enqueue - Adds a message to the queue and optionally sets a visibility timeout for the message.
- Receive - Retrieves a message from the queue and makes it invisible to other consumers.
- Peek - Retrieves a message from the front of the queue, without changing the message visibility.
- Update - Updates the visibility timeout of a message and/or the message contents.
- Delete - Deletes a specified message from the queue.
- Clear - Clears all messages from the queue.
The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common Storage Queue tasks, including:
Create the QueueServiceClient using the connection string to your Azure Storage account.
from import QueueServiceClient
service = QueueServiceClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="my_connection_string")
Create a queue in your storage account.
from import QueueClient
queue = QueueClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="my_connection_string", queue="myqueue")
Enqueue a message in your queue.
from import QueueClient
queue = QueueClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="my_connection_string", queue="myqueue")
queue.enqueue_message("I'm using queues!")
queue.enqueue_message("This is my second message")
Receive messages from your queue.
from import QueueClient
queue = QueueClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="my_connection_string", queue="myqueue")
response = queue.receive_messages()
for message in response:
# Printed messages from the front of the queue
# >>I'm using queues!
# >>This is my second message
Storage Queue clients raise exceptions defined in Azure Core.
All Queue service operations will throw a StorageErrorException on failure with helpful error codes.
Get started with our Queue samples.
Several Storage Queues Python SDK samples are available to you in the SDK's GitHub repository. These samples provide example code for additional scenarios commonly encountered while working with Storage Queues:
- Examples found in this article:- Client creation
- Create a queue
- Enqueue messages
- Receive messages
- Examples for authenticating and creating the client:- From a connection string
- From a shared access key
- From a shared access signature token
- From active directory
- Examples for interacting with the queue service:- Get and set service properties
- List queues in a storage account
- Create and delete a queue from the service
- Get the QueueClient
- Examples for working with queues and messages:- Set an access policy
- Get and set queue metadata
- Enqueue and receive messages
- Delete specified messages and clear all messages
- Peek and update messages
For more extensive documentation on the Azure Storage Queues, see the Azure Storage Queues documentation on
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