Be sure to follow the code style of the project.
Create an issue or join the Discord/Matrix to discuss it with the maintainers. We will provide additional guidance.
Fork the repository, make your changes, then create a pull request. Be sure to mention the GitHub issue you're fixing if one was already open.
The project can be translated on Weblate.
- Clone the repository.
- If it isn't already there, add your language to
. - Create a new translation from the
file with a translation editor such as Poedit. - Save the file as
. - Create a pull request with your translations.
- Install GNOME Builder.
- Click "Clone Repository" with
as the URL. - Click on the build button (hammer) at the top.
- Install MSYS2.
- From the MSYS2 shell, install the required dependencies listed here.
- Build it via Meson.
git clone
cd cartridges
meson setup build
ninja -C build install
All code is auto-formatted with Black and linted with Pylint. Imports are sorted by isort.
VSCode extensions are available for all of these and you can set them up with the following settings.json
"python.formatting.provider": "none",
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": true
"isort.args":["--profile", "black"],
For other code editors, you can install them via pip
and invoke them via the command line.