This file contains all the rules that are to be followed when contributing to the project. Please note that the following list isn't exclusive, meaning that it might miss some cases that are left for personal preference. It will likely be updated in the future as time goes on.
For any doubts, please make sure to contact other developers at our Discord.
Will always use "Pascal Case".
public class ClassName
Will always end with "File" in the name.
public class ClassNameFile
Will always end with "Data" in the name.
public class ClassNameData
Will always use "cammel Case".
public string variableName
Will always start with "I" followed by "Pascal Case".
public interface IName
Will always use "full caps".
Will always use starting underscore followed by "cammel Case".
public int _variableName
Will always use "Pascal Case".
public float VariableName
Will always use "Pascal Case" and start with "Set" followed by an identified of the value.
public void SetExampleDouble()
Will always use "Pascal Case" and start with "Get" followed by an identifier of the value.
public double GetExampleDouble()