DataMapper plugin that adds self-referential friendship functionality to your models.
If you're building an app that require this type of relation then it will probably save some time to use this instead of rolling our own :)
$ [sudo] gem install dm-is-friendly.
class Person
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
is :friendly
A model called "Friendship" will be created for you and will include the association. Several helper methods (shown below) are added as well. Documentation of these methods is here.
:require_acceptance Set this if friendships should be accepted before showing up in the query of friends: Default: true
:friendship_class Set this to something other than "Friendship" if you want: Default: "Friendship"
@quentin = Person.create(:name => "quentin")
@joe = Person.create(:name => "joe")
# request friendship
# Find friend requests sent
@joe.friendship_requests # => [#<Person @id=1 @name="quentin">]
@joe.friendship_requested?(@quentin) # => true
# Find recieve friend requests
@quentin.friendships_to_accept # => [#<Person @id=2 @name="joe">]
@quentin.friendship_to_accept?(@joe) # => true
# Check friendships
@quentin.is_friends_with?(@joe) # => false
# Accept friendships
@quentin.is_friends_with?(@joe) # => true
# End friendships :(
@quentin.end_friendship_with(@joe) # => true
Or without requiring acceptance
class Person
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
is :friendly, :require_acceptance => false
@sue = Person.create(:name => "Sue")
@julie = Person.create(:name => "Julie")
@julie.is_friends_with?(@sue) # => 'true' since friendships don't need to be accepted
If you want to contribute to this project, just fork it and make changes/pull requests in the next branch. Please run tests against ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 before submitting! Everything else you need is in the Gemfile :)
There are also a few roadmap items in the #issues section on github.