source: doom_riscv
commmad: make doom
Doom, a pioneering first-person shooter game developed by id Software in 1993, is known for its open-source code and vibrant community, it debuted innovations like genuine 3D graphics, networked multiplayer gameplay and the ability for players to create custom expansions.
- Move Forward/Backward: Up Arrow Key/Down Arrow Key
- Move Left/Right: Comma(,) Key/Period(.) Key
- Turn Left/Right: Left Arrow Key/Right Arrow Key
- Shoot: Left Mouse Button or CTRL Key
- Sprint: Shift Key
- 1: Fist
- 3: Shotgun
source: quake-embedded
command: make quake
Quake was created in 1996 as a successor of the highly succcessful first-person shooter game Doom, it is based on Doom's game engine and 3D graphics compability, and it enhanced the fast-paced gameplay and online multiplayer over the Internet.
Build Instruction:
git clone && cd quake-embedded
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../port/boards/rv32emu/toolchain.cmake \
- Move Forward/Backward: Up Arrow Key/Down Arrow Key
- Move Left/Right: Comma(,) Key/Period(.) Key
- Turn Left/Right: Left Arrow Key/Right Arrow Key
- Swim Up/Down: D Key/C Key
- Shoot: Left Mouse Button or CTRL Key
- Switch Weapon: Slash(/) Key
- Sprint: Shift Key
You may use the mouse to adjust the pitch and yaw angle
- Mouse wheel input is not supported
- All sound functions are not implemented