This repo contains a new, experimental version of the Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT). The official version of this software is still pyBRAT 3 that relies on ArcGIS geoprocessing. This new version uses only open source technologies and does not require ArcGIS to run.
It is strongly advised that you continue to use pyBRAT 3 until this new version of BRAT is verified and published as an official version of the BRAT model.
usage: bratbuild [-h] [--reach_codes REACH_CODES] [--canal_codes CANAL_CODES] [--flow_areas FLOW_AREAS] [--waterbodies WATERBODIES] [--max_waterbody MAX_WATERBODY] [--verbose]
huc max_length min_length dem slope hillshade flow_accum drainarea_sqkm flowlines existing_veg historical_veg valley_bottom roads rail canals ownership streamside_buffer riparian_buffer
max_drainage_area elevation_buffer output_folder
Build the inputs for an eventual brat_run:
positional arguments:
huc huc input
max_length Maximum length of features when segmenting. Zero causes no segmentation.
min_length min_length input
dem dem input
slope slope input
hillshade hillshade input
flow_accum flow accumulation input
drainarea_sqkm drainage area input
flowlines flowlines input
existing_veg existing_veg input
historical_veg historical_veg input
valley_bottom Valley bottom shapeFile
roads Roads shapeFile
rail Railways shapefile
canals Canals shapefile
ownership Ownership shapefile
streamside_buffer streamside_buffer input
riparian_buffer riparian_buffer input
max_drainage_area max_drainage_area input
elevation_buffer elevation_buffer input
output_folder output_folder input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--reach_codes REACH_CODES
Comma delimited reach codes (FCode) to retain when filtering features. Omitting this option retains all features.
--canal_codes CANAL_CODES
Comma delimited reach codes (FCode) representing canals. Omitting this option retains all features.
--flow_areas FLOW_AREAS
(optional) path to the flow area polygon feature class containing artificial paths
--waterbodies WATERBODIES
(optional) waterbodies input
--max_waterbody MAX_WATERBODY
(optional) maximum size of small waterbody artificial flows to be retained
--verbose (optional) a little extra logging
usage: bratrun [-h] [--csv_dir] [--verbose] project
Run brat against a pre-existing sqlite db:
positional arguments:
project Riverscapes project folder or project xml file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv_dir (optional) directory where we can find updated lookup tables
--verbose (optional) a little extra logging
Questions about this repo can be directed to