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File Transfers

kubu4 edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

Transferring data to/from Mox (Hyak) with rsync

rsync is a file transfer program. It copies specified files/folders from one location to another. Additionally, it verifies data integrity after the files have been transferred. This feature is critical, due to the large file sizes we frequently work with.

It is highly recommended to initiate all transfers via Mox! Doing so eliminates the need for two-factor authentication for each transfer. The examples below are being run on Mox.

Copy files from Mox:

  • rsync --archive --progress --verbose /path/to/local/file username@remote_computer_IP:/path/to/remote/directory

Copy entire folder from Mox:

Navigate to the directory immediately above the one which you are interested in copying and then run the following command):

  • rsync --archive --progress --relative --verbose ./directory_to_copy username@remote_computer_IP:/path/to/remote/directory

Copy files to Mox:

  • rsync --archive --progress --verbose username@remote_computer_IP:/path/to/remote/directory/path/to/remote/file /path/to/mox/directory

Copy entire folder to Mox (it is important to make sure there is no / at the end of the remote path):

  • rsync --archive --progress --verbose username@remote_computer_IP:/path/to/remote/directory/path/to/remote/directory /path/to/mox/directory
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