Hook: Health is complicated, its difficult but its paramount
We set out to not only improve the UX but to improve you, the user, in the process and help you lead a healthy and happy live
How do we achieve that: As mentioned watching your nutrition is important but tedious -> who knows where to get Vitamin K from?
products like Hello Fresh are here to help you with the tedious task of feeding yourself and we want to build on them tackle nutrition at its core
Micro nutrients
Some examples what vitamin K and B9 are useful for
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Hello Fresh already lets you filter for allergies and preferences in a manual way, can lead to deficiencx
recommendations based on History, Season and Current Nutritional Needs
If activate Nutrition Manager you can track the impact of meal choices on you micro nutrient levels
Values are parsed from US Department of Agriculture -> legit bro
Scale Up Potential
Inferral of dietary preferences based on what meals are declined->based on that a recommended substitution those ingredients to maintain balanced micro nutrient levels
Started development, but based on limited recipes currently available the resulting suggestions were pretty non-traditional
Thank you for you attention we were