Following methods are provided by RocketChatAPI.ChatRoom API
- getChatHistory (getting history of messages from the server)
- send message to room (send text message string to given room)
- delete message (delete any sent message from the room)
- update message (update any sent message to new one)
- pin/unpin message (pin message for future use)
- star/unstar message (star important messages in the room)
- deleteGroup (if room is group type, then it can be deleted (should have delete permission))
- archiveRoom ( hides room from list of channels and make it read only)
- unarchiveRoom( shows room in the list of channels and removes read only setting)
- leave room (it is used to leave given room)
- hide room (hide room from the list of channels)
- open room (shows room on the left of list of channels)
- set favorite room ( it will set room to be )
- subscribe room for new messages (Room will receive messages in real-time)
- subscribe room for typing events (Room will receive messages regarding typing events in real-time)
- uploading file to the server (Update AUDIO, VIDEO, IMAGE file to the server)
- subscribe for getting starred, pinned, mentioned, snippeted and file messages
1. getChatHistory
* @param oldestMessageTimestamp Used to do pagination (null means latest timestamp)
* @param count The message quantity, messages are loaded having timestamp older than @param oldestMessageTimestamp
* @param lastTimestamp Date of the last time when client got data (Used to calculate unread)[unread count suggests number of unread messages having timestamp above @param lastTimestamp]
room.getChatHistory(count,oldestMessageTimestamp,lastTimestamp, new LoadHistoryListener() {
public void onLoadHistory(ArrayList<RocketChatMessage> list, int unreadNotLoaded, ErrorObject error) {
Hint: pass count=20, oldestMessageTimestamp=new Date(),lastTimestamp=null for getting latest 20 messages
2. sendMessage
//Without acknowledgement
room.sendMessage("This is some random message");
//With acknowledgement
room.sendMessage("Hi there", new MessageListener.MessageAckListener() {
public void onMessageAck(RocketChatMessage message, ErrorObject error) {
if (error==null)
System.out.println("Got ack for sent message");
3. deleteMessage
String messageId= "xxxx";
//without ack
//with ack
room.deleteMessage(messageId, new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Message deleted successfully");
4. updateMessage
//without ack
String messageId="";
room.updateMessage(messageId, "This is a updated message",null);
//with ack
room.updateMessage(messageId, "This is a updated message", new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success) {
System.out.println("Message updated successfully");
5. pinMessage
RocketChatMessage message; //This is a message received from loading history
//without ack
//with ack
room.pinMessage(message.getRawJsonObject(), new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Pinned message successfully");
6. unPinMessage
RocketChatMessage message; //This is a message received from loading history
//without ack
//with ack
room.unpinMessage(message.getRawJsonObject(), new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Unpinned message successfully");
7. starMessage
String messageId="";
Boolean star; //Enabled or disables star for message
//without ack
room.starMessage(messageId, star, null);
//with ack
room.starMessage(messageId, star, new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("executed successfully");
8. deleteGroup
//wihout ack
//with ack
room.deleteGroup(new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("group deleted successfully");
9. archiveRoom
//without ack
//with ack
room.archive(new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Archived successfully");
10. unArchiveRoom
//without ack
//with ack
room.unarchive(new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Archived successfully");
11. leaveRoom
//without ack
//with ack
room.leave(new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("left room");
12. hideRoom
//without ack
//with ack
room.hide(new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("room is hidden");
13. openRoom
//without ack;
//with ack SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("opened room successfully");
14. setFavouriteRoom
Boolean isfavourite=true;
//without ack
//with ack
room.setFavourite(isfavourite, new SimpleListener() {
public void callback(Boolean success, ErrorObject error) {
if (success){
System.out.println("Room is now favourite");
15. subscribeRoomMessageEvent
- Make parent class implement MessageListener.SubscriptionListener interface from core package.
void subscribeMessage(){
room.subscribeRoomMessageEvent(new SubscribeListener() {
public void onSubscribe(Boolean isSubscribed, String subId) {
if (isSubscribed) {
System.out.println("subscribed to room successfully");
public void onMessage(String roomId, RocketChatMessage message) {
System.out.println("will receive new message here");
- Messages can be of different types, with number of attachments.
public void onMessage(String roomId, RocketChatMessage message) {
System.out.println("Got message " + message.getMessage());
switch (message.getMsgType()) {
case TEXT:
System.out.println("This is a text message");
List<TAttachment> attachments = message.getAttachments();
for (TAttachment attachment : attachments) {
switch (attachment.getAttachmentType()) {
Attachment.TextAttachment textAttachment= (Attachment.TextAttachment) attachment;
System.out.println("Message is "+ textAttachment.getText());
System.out.println("This is a reply or quote to a message");
case IMAGE:
System.out.println("This is a image attachment");
Attachment.ImageAttachment imageAttachment = (Attachment.ImageAttachment) attachment;
System.out.println("Attachment title is " + imageAttachment.getTitle());
System.out.println("Attachment description is "+ imageAttachment.getDescription());
System.out.println("Image url is "+ imageAttachment.getImage_url());
System.out.println("Image type is "+imageAttachment.getImage_type());
case AUDIO:
System.out.println("There is a audio attachment");
Attachment.AudioAttachment audioAttachment = (Attachment.AudioAttachment) attachment;
System.out.println("Attachment title is " + audioAttachment.getTitle());
System.out.println("Attachment description is "+audioAttachment.getDescription());
System.out.println("Audio url is "+audioAttachment.getAudio_url());
System.out.println("Audio type is "+ audioAttachment.getAudio_type());
case VIDEO:
System.out.println("There is a video attachment");
Attachment.VideoAttachment videoAttachment = (Attachment.VideoAttachment) attachment;
System.out.println("Attachment title is " + videoAttachment.getTitle());
System.out.println("Attachment description is "+ videoAttachment.getDescription());
System.out.println("Video url is "+ videoAttachment.getVideo_url());
System.out.println("Video type is "+ videoAttachment.getVideo_type());
System.out.println("Message has been edited");
System.out.println("Message is starred now");
System.out.println("Got message reaction");
System.out.println("Message is deleted");
System.out.println("Room name changed");
System.out.println("Room is archived");
System.out.println("Room is unarchieved");
System.out.println("User added to the room");
System.out.println("User removed from the room");
System.out.println("User joined the room");
System.out.println("User left the room");
System.out.println("User muted now");
System.out.println("User un-muted now");
System.out.println("User welcomed");
System.out.println("Subscription role added");
System.out.println("Subscription role removed");
case OTHER:
16. subscribeRoomTypingEvent
- Make parent class implement TypingListener interface.
void subscribeTyping(){
room.subscribeRoomTypingEvent(new SubscribeListener() {
public void onSubscribe(Boolean isSubscribed, String subId) {
if (isSubscribed){
System.out.println("subscribed to typing event successfylly");
public void onTyping(String roomId, String user, Boolean istyping) {
16. upload file
- Make file object from the file path, pass it along with filename and description.
- In callback, user will receive upload progress and callback when file is actually sent.
String file_path = "/home/sachin/Pictures/pain.jpg";
File file = new File(file_path);
room.uploadFile(file, file.getName()," This is a file attachment", new FileAdapter(){
public void onUploadStarted(String roomId, String fileName, String description) {
super.onUploadStarted(roomId, fileName, description);
public void onUploadProgress(int progress, String roomId, String fileName, String description) {
super.onUploadProgress(progress, roomId, fileName, description);
public void onUploadComplete(int statusCode, FileObject file, String roomId, String fileName, String description) {
super.onUploadComplete(statusCode, file, roomId, fileName, description);
public void onUploadError(ErrorObject error, IOException e) {
super.onUploadError(error, e);
public void onSendFile(RocketChatMessage message, ErrorObject error) {
super.onSendFile(message, error);
17. subscriptions for starred, snipetted, mentioned and file messages
- These are all room specific subscriptions and data returned is stored in memory db.
- It is used for getting individual set of messages from all messages.
- This individual set contains starred messages, pinned messages, snipetty messages, mentioned and file messages.
- Subscription allows to get those messages as well as observer for the change of messages.
- All subscription API's has as limit param to get total number of latest set of individual messages.
- To get next set of messages, unsubscribe current subscription and fetch total extra messages (new limit = prev limit+ extra)
- Starred messages
- This subscription is used for getting individual set of starred messages.
- All upcoming messages are stored in lightweight memory db.
- It is possible to observe for incoming message change.
I. subscribing for getting starred messages
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
// subscribe for starred messages
room.subscribeStarredMessages(50, null);
II. Observing message change
- You can add observer anytime needed.
- Observer is specific to the particular collection and will return callback if particular document changes.
// add observer for starred messages
room.getRoomDbManager().getStarredMessagesCollection().addObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
MessageDocument messageDocument = (MessageDocument) arg;
System.out.println("Starred message is " + messageDocument.getMessage());
System.out.println("Starred message Sender is " + messageDocument.getSender().getUserName());
III. Getting all messages from DB anytime needed.
System.out.println("Number of starred messages for room are " + room.getRoomDbManager().getStarredMessagesCollection().getData().size());
// You can use for loop to iterate through each file and getting it's properties.
- Pinned messages
- This subscription is used for getting individual set of pinned messages.
- All upcoming messages are stored in lightweight memory db.
- It is possible to observe for incoming message change.
I. subscribing for getting pinned messages
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
// subcribing for getting pinned messages
room.subscribePinnedMessages(50, null);
II. Observing message change
- You can add observer anytime needed.
- Observer is specific to the particular collection and will return callback if particular document changes.
// add observer for pinned messages
room.getRoomDbManager().getPinnedMessagesCollection().addObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
MessageDocument messageDocument = (MessageDocument) arg;
System.out.println("Pinned message is " + messageDocument.getMessage());
System.out.println("Sender is " + messageDocument.getSender().getUserName());
III. Getting all messages from DB anytime needed.
System.out.println("Number of pinned messages for room are " + room.getRoomDbManager().getPinnedMessagesCollection().getData().size());
// You can use for loop to iterate through each file and getting it's properties.
- Snipetted messsages (Message containing code)
- This subscription is used for getting individual set of snipetted messages.
- All upcoming messages are stored in lightweight memory db.
- It is possible to observe for incoming message change.
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
I. subscribing for getting snipetted messages
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
// Subscribing for getting max 20 snipetted documents in collection, callbacks will be available at above method
room.subscribeSnipettedMessages(20, null);
II. Observing message change
- You can add observer anytime needed.
- Observer is specific to the particular collection and will return callback if particular document changes.
// Adding observer for snipetted messages
room.getRoomDbManager().getSnipetedMessagesCollection().addObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
MessageDocument document = (MessageDocument) arg;
System.out.println("snipetted message is " + document.getMessage());
System.out.println("snipetted message sender is" + document.getSender().getUserName());
III. Getting all messages from DB anytime needed.
System.out.println("Number of snipetted messages for room are " + room.getRoomDbManager().getSnipetedMessagesCollection().getData().size());
// You can use for loop to iterate through each file and getting it's properties.
- Mentioned messages
- This subscription is used for getting individual set of mentioned messages.
- All upcoming messages are stored in lightweight memory db.
- It is possible to observe for incoming message change.
I. subscribing for getting mentioned messages
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
// subscribe for mentioned messages
room.subscribeMentionedMessages(50, null);
II. Observing message change
- You can add observer anytime needed.
- Observer is specific to the particular collection and will return callback if particular document changes.
// add observer for mentioned messages
room.getRoomDbManager().getMentionedMessagesCollection().addObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
MessageDocument messageDocument = (MessageDocument) arg;
System.out.println("Mentioned message is " + messageDocument.getMessage());
System.out.println("Mentioned message Sender is " + messageDocument.getSender().getUserName());
III. Getting all messages from DB anytime needed.
System.out.println("Number of mentioned messages for room are " + room.getRoomDbManager().getMentionedMessagesCollection().getData().size());
// You can use for loop to iterate through each file and getting it's properties.
- File Messages
- This subscription is used for getting individual set of file messages.
- All upcoming messages are stored in lightweight memory db.
- It is possible to observe for incoming message change.
I. subscribing for getting file messages
- Suppose room is a ChatRoom object of RocketChat API, subscription can be given as
// Subscribing to the room files for getting 20 files in collection, callbacks will be available at above method
room.subscribeRoomFiles(20, null);
II. Observing message change
- You can add observer anytime needed.
- Observer is specific to the particular collection and will return callback if particular document changes.
// Adding observer for file collection document files
room.getRoomDbManager().getRoomFilesCollection().addObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
FileDocument document = (FileDocument) arg;
System.out.println("document file name is " + document.getFileName());
System.out.println("document file type is " + document.getFileType());
III. Getting all messages from DB anytime needed.
System.out.println("Number of files are " + room.getRoomDbManager().getRoomFilesCollection().getData().size());
// You can use for loop to iterate through each file and getting it's properties.