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Troubleshooting Azure VM Image Build (AIB) Failures

This article covers key troubleshooting guidance for the topics below, and also lists common errors, with cause and guidance.

  • Image Template Submission Errors
  • Build failures
    • Collecting and Reviewing AIB Image Build Logs
  • DevOps task
  • VMs created from AIB images do not create successfully

If you have referred to the guidance, and still cannot troubleshoot your issue, you can open a support case. When doing so, please select right product and support topic, doing this will mean it the Azure VM Image Builder support team seeing it.

Selecting the case product:

Product Family: Azure
Product: Virtual Machine Running Windows
Support Topic: Management
Support Subtopic: Issues with Azure Image Builder

AIB failures can happen in 2 areas:

  1. Image Template Submission
  2. Image Build

Get Status/Error of the Template Submission or Template Build Status

If you need to recheck the status of the template submission, or get the error by checking the status of the template build run the code below, and check ProvisioningStatus, or LastRunStatus.

Note! Errors for template submission occur during the submission, and will be returned at submission, there is no log for these, but you can dumo the status, to get the error.


az resource show \
    --resource-group <imageTemplateResourceGroup> \
    --resource-type Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates \
    -n <imageTemplateName>


As there are currently no specific Azure PowerShell cmdlets for image builder, we need to construct API calls, with the authentication, this is just an example, note, you can use existing alternatives you may have.

Authentication Setup

We need to start, by getting the Bearer Token from your existing session.

References A big thanks to brettmillerb, for this simple method.

### Step 1: Update context
$currentAzureContext = Get-AzContext

### Step 2: Get instance profile
$azureRmProfile = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile
$profileClient = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Common.RMProfileClient($azureRmProfile)
Write-Verbose ("Tenant: {0}" -f  $currentAzureContext.Subscription.Name)
### Step 4: Get token  
$token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($currentAzureContext.Tenant.TenantId)

Get Image Template Submission or Build Status

$managementEp = $currentAzureContext.Environment.ResourceManagerUrl

$urlBuildStatus = [System.String]::Format("{0}subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/$imageResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/{2}?api-version=2019-05-01-preview", $managementEp, $currentAzureContext.Subscription.Id,$imageTemplateName)

$buildStatusResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET  -Uri $urlBuildStatus -UseBasicParsing -Headers  @{"Authorization"= ("Bearer " + $accessToken)} -ContentType application/json 
$buildJsonStatus =$buildStatusResult.Content

Common Image Template Submission Errors

Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' failed with message '{
  "status": "Failed",
  "error": {
    "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure",
    "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.",
    "details": [
        "code": "InternalOperationError",
        "message": "Internal error occurred."

Cause: Internal error is a catch all error, it can be a user error or internal service error. As of 22nd May 2020, there is a bug in AIB which means all errors are being returned as internal service errors, we are working to resolve this by end of May.

Action: To understand what the actual error is, please get the error from the submission, by using the steps above in 'Get Status/Error of the Template Submission or Template Build Status' section.

'Conflict'. Details: Update/Upgrade of image templates is currently not supported

Cause: Template exists

Action: if you have submitted an Image Configuration template, and the submission initially failed, a failed template artifact will still exist, you must delete the failed template.

Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates 'helloImageTemplateforSIG01' failed with message '{
  "status": "Failed",
  "error": {
    "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure",
    "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.",
    "details": [
        "code": "InternalOperationError",
        "message": "Internal error occurred."

Cause: In most cases, this happens due to missing permissions

Action: Ensure AIB has permissions to the source image\SIG resource group, distribution image\SIG resource, and the storage account\container\blob that the File customizer is accessing. Review permissions documentation.

Build (Managed Image) step failed: Error getting Managed Image '/subscriptions/.../providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/mymanagedmg1': Error getting managed image (...): compute.ImagesClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="AuthorizationFailed" Message="The client '......' with object id '......' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Compute/images/read' over scope 

Cause: This happens due to missing permissions

Action: Ensure AIB has permissions to the source image\SIG resource group, distribution image\SIG resource, and the storage account\container\blob that the File customizer is accessing. Review permissions documentation.

Build (Shared Image Version) step failed for Image Version '/subscriptions/.../providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/.../images/... /versions/0.23768.4001': Error getting Image Version '/subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/<rgName>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/.../images/.../versions/0.23768.4001': Error getting image version '... :0.23768.4001': compute.GalleryImageVersionsClient#Get: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="ResourceNotFound" Message="The Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/galleries/.../images/.../versions/0.23768.4001' under resource group '<rgName>' was not found."

Cause: This happens because AIB cannot locate the source image

Action: Ensure the source image is correct and exists in the location of the image builder service.

Downloading external file (<myFile>) to local file (xxxxx.0.customizer.fp) [attempt 1 of 10] failed: Error downloading '<myFile>' to 'xxxxx.0.customizer.fp'..

Cause: The file name or location is incorrect, or the location is not reachable. Action: Ensure the file is reachable and the name / location are correct.

    "provisioningError": {
      "message": "Internal error occurred. This is a generic error. To identify possible causes, go to",
      "provisioningErrorCode": "ServerError"

Cause: This could be an internal issue with the service, or one of its dependencies.

Action: Delete the template and resubmit.

Build Failures

For image build failures, you can get the error from the 'lastrunstatus', and then review the details in the customization.log.

az resource show \
    --resource-group <imageTemplateResourceGroup> \
    --resource-type Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates \
    -n <imageTemplateName>

Customization Log Location

When the image build is running, logs are created, and stored in a storage account in the temporary Resource Group (RG), that AIB creates when you create an Image Template artifact.


For example, in Quick Quickstart 1 'Creating a Custom Linux Managed Image', this would be:


Go to the RG > Storage Account > Blobs > packerlogs > click on the directory > customization.log

Understanding the customization log

The log is extremely verbose, it covers the image build, but if there are any issues with the image distribution, such as SIG replication, these errors are surfaced in the error message of the image template status.

The customization.log can be broken down in to these stages:

  1. Deploy the build VM, and dependencies using ARM templates to the IT_ staging resource group Here you will see multiple POSTs to the AIB Resource Provider:
Azure request method="POST" request="<subID>/resourceGroups/IT_aibImageRG200_window2019VnetTemplate01_dec33089-1cc3-cccc-cccc-ccccccc/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Deploying deployment template ...
  1. Get status of the deployments Here you see the status of each resource deployment:
PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:28:50 packer: 2020/04/30 23:28:50 Azure request method="GET" request="<subID>/resourcegroups/IT_aibImageRG200_window2019VnetTemplate01_dec33089-1cc3-4505-ae28-6661e43fac48/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pkrdp51lc0339jg/operationStatuses/08586133176207523519?[REDACTED]" body=""
  1. Connect to the build VM If Windows, the AIB sevice will connect using WinRM:
PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:30:50 packer: 2020/04/30 23:30:50 Waiting for WinRM, up to timeout: 10m0s
PACKER OUT     azure-arm: WinRM connected.

If Linux, the AIB sevice will connect using SSH:

PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Waiting for SSH to become available...
PACKER ERR 2019/12/10 17:20:51 packer: 2020/04/10 17:20:51 [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 20m0s
PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Connected to SSH!
  1. Run customizations When a customizations run, you can identify them, by reviewing the customization.log, search for (telemetry).
(telemetry) Starting provisioner windows-update
(telemetry) ending windows-update
(telemetry) Starting provisioner powershell
(telemetry) ending powershell
(telemetry) Starting provisioner file
(telemetry) ending file
(telemetry) Starting provisioner windows-restart
(telemetry) ending windows-restart

(telemetry) Finalizing. - This means the build hasfinished
  1. Deprovision AIB will add a hidden customizer, this is a deprovision step, that is responsible for preparing the VM for deprovisioning, by running Windows Sysprep (using c:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1), or in Linux waagent deprovision (using /tmp/

This is an example:

PACKER ERR 2020/03/04 23:05:04 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting provisioner powershell
PACKER ERR 2020/03/04 23:05:04 packer: 2020/03/04 23:05:04 Found command: if( TEST-PATH c:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1 ){cat c:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1} else {echo "Deprovisioning script [c:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1] could not be found. Image build may fail or the VM created from the Image may not boot. Please make sure the deprovisioning script is not accidentally deleted by a Customizer in the Template."}
  1. Clean up Lastly, you will see the deletion of AIB resources, once the build have completed:
PACKER ERR 2020/02/04 02:04:23 packer: 2020/02/04 02:04:23 Azure request method="DELETE" request="<subId>/resourceGroups/IT_aibDevOpsImg_t_vvvvvvv_yyyyyy-de5f-4f7c-92f2-xxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/pkrnijamvpo08eo?[REDACTED]" body=""

Common Image Build Errors

  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "lastRunStatus": {
   "startTime": "2020-04-30T23:24:06.756985789Z",
   "endTime": "2020-04-30T23:39:14.268729811Z",
   "runState": "Failed",
   "message": "Failed while waiting for packerizer: Microservice has failed: Failed while processing request: Error when executing packerizer: Packer build command has failed: exit status 1. During the image build, a failure has occurred, please review the build log to identify which build/customization step failed. For more troubleshooting steps go to Image Build log location: OperationId: xxxxxx-5a8c-4379-xxxx-8d85493bc791. Use this operationId to search packer logs."

Cause: Customization failure

Action: Review log, to locate customerizers failures, search for (telemetry). For example:

(telemetry) Starting provisioner windows-update
(telemetry) ending windows-update
(telemetry) Starting provisioner powershell
(telemetry) ending powershell
(telemetry) Starting provisioner file
(telemetry) ending file
(telemetry) Starting provisioner windows-restart
(telemetry) ending windows-restart

(telemetry) Finalizing. - This means the build hasfinished
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx. Failed in building/customizing image: Failed while waiting for packerizer: Timeout waiting for microservice to complete: 'context deadline exceeded'

Cause: This error is seen in the 'lastrunstatus', this means the build has exceeded the build timeout.


  1. Review the customization.log, identify the last customizer to run, search for (telemetry) from the the bottom of the log.

  2. Check Script customizations, these may not supressing user interation for commands, such as quiet options, e.g. apt-get install -y, and the script execution is just waiting.

  3. If you are using the File customizer to download artifacts > 20MB, see below for workarounds.

  4. Review errors/dependencies in script cause the script to wait.

  5. If expected that the customizations need more time, increase buildTimeoutInMinutes. The default is 4hours.

  6. If you have resource intensive actions, such as downloading GB's of files, consider the underlying build VM size. We only use a Standard_D1_v2, this has, 1 vCPU and 3.5GB mem, and if you are downloading 50GB, this will likely exhaust the VM resources and cause communication failures between the AIB service and build VM. Please retry the build with a larger memory VM, by setting the VM_Size.

[086cf9c4-0457-4e8f-bfd4-908cfe3fe43c] PACKER OUT 826 B / 826000 B  1.00%
[086cf9c4-0457-4e8f-bfd4-908cfe3fe43c] PACKER OUT 1652 B / 826000 B  2.00%
[086cf9c4-0457-4e8f-bfd4-908cfe3fe43c] PACKER OUT 
hours later...
.. 826000 B / 826000 B  100.00%
[086cf9c4-0457-4e8f-bfd4-908cfe3fe43c] PACKER OUT 

Cause: File customizer is downloading a large file. Action: The file customizer is only suitable for small file downloads, < 20MB. For larger file downloads use a Script or Inline command, the use code to download files, such as, Linux wget or curl, Windows, Invoke-WebRequest.

Deployment failed. Correlation ID: XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX. Failed in distributing 1 images out of total 1: {[Error 0] [Distribute 0] Error publishing MDI to shared image gallery:/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/xxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/xxxxx/images/xxxxxx, Location:eastus. Error: Error returned from SIG client while publishing MDI to shared image gallery for dstImageLocation: eastus, dstSubscription: <subId>, dstResourceGroupName: XXXXXX, dstGalleryName: XXXXXX, dstGalleryImageName: XXXXXX. Error: Error waiting on shared image gallery future for resource group: XXXXXX, gallery name: XXXXXX, gallery image name: XXXXXX.Error: Future#WaitForCompletion: context has been cancelled: StatusCode=200 -- Original Error: context deadline exceeded}

Cause: Image Builder timed out waiting for the image to be added and replicated to the Shared Image Gallery (SIG). If the image is being injected into the SIG, it can be assumed the image build was successful, but the overall process failed, whilst the image builder is waiting on shared image gallery to complete the replication. Even though the build has failed, the replication will continue, so you can expect to see an image there. You can get the properties of the image version, by checking the distribution runOutput:

az resource show \
    --ids "/subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourcegroups/$imageResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/$imageTemplateName/runOutputs/$runOutputName"  \

Action: Increase the buildTimeoutInMinutes.

[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for operation to complete (system performance: 1% cpu; 37% memory)...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for operation to complete (system performance: 51% cpu; 35% memory)...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for operation to complete (system performance: 21% cpu; 37% memory)...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for operation to complete (system performance: 21% cpu; 36% memory)...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for operation to complete (system performance: 90% cpu; 32% memory)...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Waiting for the Windows Modules Installer to exit...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] command 'PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -OutputFormat Text -File C:/Windows/Temp/packer-windows-update-elevated.ps1' exited with code: 101
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Restarting the machine...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 101
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 1672 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 101
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 101
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Waiting for machine to become available...
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 1672 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 101
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] starting remote command: shutdown.exe -f -r -t 0 -c "packer restart"
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] command 'shutdown.exe -f -r -t 0 -c "packer restart"' exited with code: 0
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: A system shutdown is in progress.(1115)
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:58 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:58 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] starting remote command: shutdown.exe -f -r -t 60 -c "packer restart test"
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] command 'shutdown.exe -f -r -t 60 -c "packer restart test"' exited with code: 1115
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 1115
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] 40 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 1115
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 1115
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] 40 bytes written for 'stderr'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] 0 bytes written for 'stdout'
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 1115
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 23:38:59 packer-provisioner-windows-update: 2020/04/30 23:38:59 Retryable error: Machine not yet available (exit status 1115)
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT Build 'azure-arm' errored: unexpected EOF
[45f485cf-5a8c-4379-9937-8d85493bc791] PACKER OUT 

Cause: Resource Exhaustion, this is commonly seen with Windows Update running using the default build VM size, D1_V2.

Action: Increase build VM Size

[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT Build 'azure-arm' errored: Future#WaitForCompletion: context has been cancelled: StatusCode=200 -- Original Error: context deadline exceeded
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT 
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 22:29:23 machine readable: azure-arm,error []string{"Future#WaitForCompletion: context has been cancelled: StatusCode=200 -- Original Error: context deadline exceeded"}
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT --> azure-arm: Future#WaitForCompletion: context has been cancelled: StatusCode=200 -- Original Error: context deadline exceeded
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 22:29:23 Cancelling builder after context cancellation context canceled
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT 
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 22:29:23 [INFO] (telemetry) Finalizing.
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
[a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER ERR 2020/04/30 22:29:24 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
Done exporting Packer logs to Azure for Packer prefix: [a170b40d-2d77-4ac3-8719-72cdc35cf889] PACKER OUT

Cause: Timeout waiting for underlying Azure resources required for the build to create.

Action: Rerun build

  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "lastRunStatus": {
   "startTime": "2020-05-01T00:13:52.599326198Z",
   "endTime": "2020-05-01T00:15:13.62366898Z",
   "runState": "Failed",
   "message": "network.InterfacesClient#UpdateTags: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code=\"ResourceNotFound\" Message=\"The Resource 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/aibpls7lz2e.nic.4609d697-be0a-4cb0-86af-49b6fe877fe1' under resource group 'IT_aibImageRG200_window2019VnetTemplate01_9988723b-af56-413a-9006-84130af0e9df' was not found.\""

Cause: Permissions

Action: Recheck that AIB has all permissions it requires, review networking permissions.

[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (RdAgent) to start ...'
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: while ((Get-Service RdAgent) -and ((Get-Service RdAgent).Status -ne 'Running')) { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureTelemetryService) to start ...'
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: while ((Get-Service WindowsAzureTelemetryService) -and ((Get-Service WindowsAzureTelemetryService).Status -ne 'Running')) { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureGuestAgent) to start ...'
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: while ((Get-Service WindowsAzureGuestAgent) -and ((Get-Service WindowsAzureGuestAgent).Status -ne 'Running')) { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Write-Output '>>> Sysprepping VM ...'
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: if( Test-Path $Env:SystemRoot\system32\Sysprep\unattend.xml ) {
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm:   Remove-Item $Env:SystemRoot\system32\Sysprep\unattend.xml -Force
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: & $Env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /quiet /quit
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: while($true) {
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm:   $imageState = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State).ImageState
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm:   Write-Output $imageState
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm:   if ($imageState -eq 'IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE') { break }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm:   Start-Sleep -s 5
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: }
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: Write-Output '>>> Sysprep complete ...'
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: >>> Waiting for GA Service (RdAgent) to start ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: >>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureTelemetryService) to start ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: >>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureGuestAgent) to start ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: >>> Sysprepping VM ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: Get-Service : Cannot find any service with service name 'WindowsAzureGuestAgent'.
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: At C:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1:6 char:9
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: + while ((Get-Service WindowsAzureGuestAgent) -and ((Get-Service Window ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm:     + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (WindowsAzureGuestAgent:String) [Get-Service], ServiceCommandException
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm:     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm:
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT     azure-arm: IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER ERR 2020/05/05 22:26:17 Cancelling builder after context cancellation context canceled
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT Cancelling build after receiving terminated
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER ERR 2020/05/05 22:26:17 packer: 2020/05/05 22:26:17 Cancelling provisioning due to context cancellation: context canceled
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: 
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER ERR 2020/05/05 22:26:17 packer: 2020/05/05 22:26:17 Cancelling hook after context cancellation context canceled
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER OUT ==> azure-arm: The resource group was not created by Packer, deleting individual resources ...
[922bdf36-b53c-4e78-9cd8-6b70b9674685] PACKER ERR ==> azure-arm: The resource group was not created by Packer, deleting individual resources ...

Cause: Suspected this is a timing issue on the D1_V2 VM size, when you limited, quick customizations (< 3s in total), then sysprep commands are run by AIB to deprovision. When AIB deprovisions, the sysprep command checks for the WindowsAzureGuestAgent, which has not fully installed.

Action: Increase VM size, or add 60s PowerShell sleep customization.

    "status": "Failed",
    "error": {
        "code": "ResourceOperationFailure",
        "message":"The  resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state
                       'Failed'.","details":[{"code":"InternalOperationError","message":"Failed in distributing 1
                       images out of total 1: Some error happened, please check the error
                       details.","details":[{"code":"InternalOperationError","message":"Internal error occurred."}]}]}}

Cause: This means the image customization worked fine, which is why you do not see any errors in the customization.log, but AIB timed out waiting for the image to create in the SIG or Image, this could be that the image creation time exceeded the total buildTimeinMinutes, or AIB did not have permissions to create the image.

Action: Whilst AIB timed out, the image may still be replicating, you should check the SIG iamage version. If the image is not created at all, make sure you have granted permissions for the distribution resource group. If they are correct, increase the buildTimeoutInMinutes.

 azure-arm: Get-Service : Cannot find any service with service name 'WindowsAzureTelemetryService'.

Cause: In the customization.log, you see the sysprep begin, with the , but never complete because it cannot find the 'WindowsAzureTelemetryService'. This is due to a change in the Windows Guest Agent, which removed this service. You should only see this, if you are overriding the AIB sysprep command.

Action: Please review the updated sysprep command we use at the bottom of the email.

DevOps task

How to troubleshoot the task

The task will only fail if an error occurs during customization, when this happens the task will report failure and leave the staging resource group, with the logs, so you can identify the issue.

To locate the log, you need to know the template name, go into pipeline > failed build > drill into the AIB DevOps task, then you will see the log and a template name:

start reading task parameters...
found build at:  /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_ImageBuilding/webapp
end reading parameters
getting storage account details for aibstordot1556933914
created archive /home/vsts/work/_temp/
Source for image:  { type: 'SharedImageVersion',
  imageVersionId: '/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/<galleryName>/images/<imageDefName>/versions/<imgVersionNumber>' }
template name:  t_1556938436xxx

Go to the portal, search for the template name in resource group, then look for the resource group with IT_*. Go to the storage account > blobs > containers > logs.

Troubleshooting successful builds

There maybe some cases where you need to investigate successful builds, and want to review the log. As mentioned, if the image build is successful, the staging resource group that contains the logs will be deleted as part of the clean up. However, what you can do, is introduce a sleep after the inline command, then get the logs as the build is paused. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Update the inline command, and add: Write-Host / Echo “Sleep” – this will allow you to search in the log
  2. Add a sleep for at least 10mins, you can use Start-Sleep, or Sleep Linux command.
  3. Use the method above to identify the log location, and then keep downloading/checking the log until it gets to the sleep.

Common issues with the DevOps Task

2020-05-05T18:28:24.9280196Z ##[section]Starting: Azure VM Image Builder Task
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9609966Z ==============================================================================
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9610739Z Task         : Azure VM Image Builder Test(Preview)
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9611277Z Description  : Build images using Azure Image Builder resource provider.
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9611608Z Version      : 1.0.18
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9612003Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9612718Z Help         : For documentation, and end to end example, please visit:
2020-05-05T18:28:24.9613390Z ==============================================================================
2020-05-05T18:28:26.0651512Z start reading task parameters...
2020-05-05T18:28:26.0673377Z found build at:  d:\a\r1\a\_AppsAndImageBuilder\webApp
2020-05-05T18:28:26.0708785Z end reading parameters
2020-05-05T18:28:26.0745447Z getting storage account details for aibstagstor1565047758
2020-05-05T18:28:29.8812270Z created archive d:\a\_temp\
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1568013Z Source for image:  { type: 'PlatformImage',
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1584131Z   publisher: 'MicrosoftWindowsServer',
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1585965Z   offer: 'WindowsServer',
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1592768Z   sku: '2016-Datacenter',
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1594191Z   version: '14393.3630.2004101604' }
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1595387Z template name:  t_1588703313152
2020-05-05T18:28:33.1597453Z starting put template...
2020-05-05T18:28:52.9278603Z put template:  Succeeded
2020-05-05T18:28:52.9281282Z starting run template...
2020-05-05T19:33:14.3923479Z ##[error]The operation was canceled.
2020-05-05T19:33:14.3939721Z ##[section]Finishing: Azure VM Image Builder Task

Cause: If this was not cancelled by a user, it was cancelled by Azure DevOps User Agent. It is likely the 1 hour timeout is happening due to Azure DevOps capabilities, if you are using a private project, and agent, you only get 60mins build time, after that it will cancel the running task.

Action: You can host your own DevOps agents, or look to reduce the time of your build, such as, if you are distributing to the shared image gallery, just replicate to one region.

VMs created from AIB images do not create successfully

By default, the AIB will also run ‘deprovision’ code at the end of each image customization phase, to ‘generalize’ the image. Generalize is a process where the image is setup, so it can be reused to create multiple VMs, and you can pass in VM settings, such as hostname, username etc. In Windows, AIB executes Sysprep, and in Linux AIB runs ‘waagent -deprovision’.

For Windows, we use a generic Sysprep command, however, it is understood, that this may not be suitable for every successful Windows generalization, so AIB will allow you to customize this command. Please note, AIB is an image automation tool, it is responsible for running Sysprep command successfully, but, you may need different Sysprep commands to make your image reusable. For Linux we use a generic 'waagent -deprovision+user' comand, see here for documentation.

If you are migrating existing customization, and you are using different Sysprep/waagent commands, you can try the image builder generic commands, and if the VM creates fail, use your previous Sysprep/waagent commands.

Note! If AIB creates a Windows custom image successfully, and you create a VM from it, then find the VM will not create successfully (i.e. the VM creation command does not complete/timeouts), you will need to review the Windows Server Sysprep documenation, or raise a support request with the Windows Server Sysprep Customer Services Support team, who can troubleshoot and advise on the correct Sysprep command.

Command Locations and Filenames

Windows: c:\DeprovisioningScript.ps1

Linux: /tmp/

Sysprep Command: Windows

Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (RdAgent) to start ...'
while ((Get-Service RdAgent).Status -ne 'Running') { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureTelemetryService) to start ...'
while ((Get-Service WindowsAzureTelemetryService) -and ((Get-Service WindowsAzureTelemetryService).Status -ne 'Running')) { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
Write-Output '>>> Waiting for GA Service (WindowsAzureGuestAgent) to start ...'
while ((Get-Service WindowsAzureGuestAgent).Status -ne 'Running') { Start-Sleep -s 5 }
Write-Output '>>> Sysprepping VM ...'
if( Test-Path $Env:SystemRoot\system32\Sysprep\unattend.xml ) {
  Remove-Item $Env:SystemRoot\system32\Sysprep\unattend.xml -Force
& $Env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /quiet /quit
while($true) {
  $imageState = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State).ImageState
  Write-Output $imageState
  if ($imageState -eq 'IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE') { break }
  Start-Sleep -s 5
Write-Output '>>> Sysprep complete ...'

Deprovision Command: Linux

/usr/sbin/waagent -force -deprovision+user && export HISTSIZE=0 && sync

Overriding the Commands

To override the commands, use the PowerShell or Shell script provisioners to create the command files with the exact file name, and put them in the directories above. AIB will read these commands, these are written out to the AIB logs, ‘customization.log’. See here on how to collect AIB logs: