Annotations such as @Cached
and @CreateCache
are based on Spring Framework 4.0 or above.
You can use JetCache API to create, manage, monitor Cache
Similar to guava/caffeine cache. For example, the below code create a LinkedHashMapCache
Cache<String, Integer> cache = LinkedHashMapCacheBuilder.createLinkedHashMapCacheBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(200, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Create RedisCache
(using jedis):
GenericObjectPoolConfig pc = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(pc, "localhost", 6379);
Cache<Long, OrderDO> orderCache = RedisCacheBuilder.createRedisCacheBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(200, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Cache multiLevelCache = MultiLevelCacheBuilder.createMultiLevelCacheBuilder()
.addCache(memoryCache, redisCache)
.expireAfterWrite(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
You can even build cache more than two level.
Cache orderCache = ...
CacheMonitor orderCacheMonitor = new DefaultCacheMonitor("OrderCache");
orderCache.config().getMonitors().add(orderCacheMonitor); // jetcache 2.2+, or call builder.addMonitor() before buildCache()
// Cache<Long, Order> monitedOrderCache = new MonitoredCache(orderCache, orderCacheMonitor); //before jetcache 2.2
int resetTime = 1;
boolean verboseLog = false;
DefaultCacheMonitorManager cacheMonitorManager = new DefaultCacheMonitorManager(resetTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, verboseLog);
Each CacheMonitor
used for exactly one Cache
After start
, DefaultCacheMonitorManager
outputs statistics every resetTime
using slf4j (see Statistics).
The constructor parameter of DefaultCacheMonitor
will be used as cache name in output table.
You can add to CacheMonitor
to every Cache
instance in MultiLevelCache
so each cache in multi level cache is monitored.
The output format can be customized using this constructor:
public DefaultCacheMonitorManager(int resetTime, TimeUnit resetTimeUnit, Consumer<StatInfo> statCallback)