Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch '0d545290-2277-474b-8aa5-4a3f737de4e5' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT.
- New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.
- New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT.
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml.
Incremented minor version in pom.xml from 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.
New git branch 'c5d753b1-6724-45eb-acae-c8921844e4fe' created for the changes.
Git commits will be listed here
Incremented minor version in pom.xml.
Created Badge entity with JPA annotations and getter/setter methods.
Updated pom.xml with dependencies for Spring Boot Web, JPA, H2 database, jaxb-api, and org.javassist.
Configured H2 database in application.properties.
Added data.sql with hardcoded Badge data.
Created BadgeRepository interface extending JpaRepository.
Created BadgeService class to fetch all badges from the database.
Created BadgeController with GET endpoint to fetch all badges and added @CrossOrigin annotation.
Incremented minor version in pom.xml.
Created Badge entity with JPA annotations and getter/setter methods.
Updated pom.xml with dependencies for Spring Boot Web, JPA, H2 database, jaxb-api, and org.javassist.
Configured H2 database in application.properties.
Added data.sql with hardcoded Badge data.
Created BadgeRepository interface extending JpaRepository.
Created BadgeService class to fetch all badges from the database.
Created BadgeController with GET endpoint to fetch all badges and added @CrossOrigin annotation.
- Incremented minor version in pom.xml.