The system architecture for the inventory management system is designed to support robust inventory tracking, order management, and analytics for a beverage warehouse. It consists of a client-server model where the Flutter-based front-end communicates with a Django-based back-end through RESTful APIs or GraphQL.
Technology: Flutter
- Providing a user-friendly interface for warehouse managers and staff to interact with the inventory system.
- Supporting barcode scanning functionality to add, update, or track inventory items efficiently.
- Displaying real-time inventory data, analytics, and notifications.
- Facilitating order management tasks, including placing orders, processing returns, and viewing order histories.
Technology: Django with Django REST Framework
- Managing database operations for storing inventory items, orders, user information, and supplier details.
- Implementing business logic for stock management, order processing, and demand forecasting.
- Handling authentication and authorization to secure access to the inventory system.
- Providing RESTful APIs or GraphQL for communication with the front-end.
Technology: PostgreSQL (Production), SQLite (Development)
- Storing all application data including inventory items, batches, expiry dates, orders, user profiles, and supplier information.
- Ensuring data integrity, consistency, and supporting complex queries for reporting and analytics.
Technology: Django REST Framework or GraphQL
- Facilitating communication between the front-end and back-end.
- Ensuring secure data transfer with authentication tokens (e.g., JWT for RESTful APIs).
- Providing endpoints for CRUD operations on inventory items, orders, and user profiles.
Technology: JWT, Django Authentication System
- Securing API endpoints against unauthorized access.
- Managing user sessions and permissions.
Technology: Docker, Nginx/Gunicorn, Cloud Providers (AWS, GCP, Heroku)
- Containerizing the application for ease of deployment and scalability.
- Serving the Django application and handling client requests.
- Hosting the application on cloud infrastructure for accessibility and reliability.
Technology: Git, GitHub Actions or GitLab CI
- Version control and source code management.
- Automating testing, building, and deployment processes.
Technology: Sentry, New Relic, or similar
- Tracking application performance issues and errors.
- Monitoring system health and user activities for auditing and diagnostics.
This architecture is designed to be scalable, allowing for future enhancements such as adding more complex analytics, integrating IoT devices for real-time tracking, or expanding to manage multiple warehouse locations. It ensures the system is robust, secure, and capable of handling the specific needs of a beverage warehouse inventory management system.