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DQN algorithm variations using PyTorch and Gym

This repo contains a PyTorch written DQN, DDQN, DuelingDQN and DuelingDDQN implementations, following the next Google DeepMind's papers:


In the first paper above (Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning (2005)) the authors state "We set out to create a single algorithm that would be able to develop a wide range of competencies on a varied range of challenging tasks — a central goal of general artificial intelligence". Indeed, the main advantages in estimating the Q-value function using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) are, (1) An identical network can be used in a variety of very different games and sequential tasks, (2) The complexity of the training does not scale trivially with the size of the (state, action) space, which means that a very large (state, action) space can be modeled without a problem using a pretty small DNN (comparing to real-life applications solved using DNNs). In this repository, I followed the development of the DQN to DDQN and then to Dueling-DQN and Dueling-DDQN algorithms, and implemented all four of them as described in the papers. My goal was less to make a clean and clear API for DQN algorithms rather than to gain some fundamental understanding of the basic concepts that drove the DRL field forward in the last few years.

Requirements and ROM installation

Library Version
Python 3.8
torch 1.8.1
gym 0.18.3
numpy 1.19.5

ROMs installation

After installing the gym library, in order to render the games from the Atari library you need to install the Atari ROMs following the next few steps:

  1. Download and save the Atari ROM files from the next url.
  2. Extract from the downloaded Roms.rar file the two zip files HC and
  3. Open a Terminal window.
  4. Run the next command in the terminal
python -m atari_py.import_roms path_to_folder\ROMS


python -m atari_py.import_roms C:\Users\ME\Downloads\Roms\ROMS

Note: if your default python version is different from the one you will be using in working with gym (i.e python 2 as default but you will be using python 3 ,use python3 instead of python in step (4)).

Folders and Files Description


Folder name Description
models saved checkpoints of DQN networks
papers pdf files of the three papers my code is based on
plots plots of learning curves
scores saved .npy scores, epsilon and steps files
videos saved videos of the agents playing


File name Description general main application for training/playing a DQN based agent containing classes of DQN, DDQN, DuelingDQN and DuelingDDQN agents networks in used by agents utility functions replay buffer class, used for training the DQN agent
dqn_main.ipynb general main application in a notebook format for training/playing


You should run the file with the following arguments:

Argument Description
-train Determine the agents mode, True=training or False=playing, default=False
-gamma Discount factor for the update rule, default=0.99
-epsilon Initial epsilon value for the epsilon-greedy policy, default=1.0
-lr The DQN training learning rate, default=0.0001
-mem_size The maximal memory size used for storing transitions (replay buffer), default=20000 (~ 6 GB RAM)
-bs Batch size for sampling from the replay buffer, default=32
-eps_min Lower limit for epsilon, default=0.1
-eps_dec Value for epsilon linear decrement, default=1e-5
-replace Number of learning steps for target network replacement, default=1000
-algo choose from the next algorithms: DQNAgent, DDQNAgent, DuelingDQNAgent, DuelingDDQNAgent, default=DQNAgent
-env_name choose from the next Atari environments: PongNoFrameskip-v4, BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4, SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4, EnduroNoFrameskip-v4, AtlantisNoFrameskip-v4, default=PongNoFrameskip-v4
-path Path for loading and saving models, default='models/'
-n_games Number of games for the Agent to play, default=1
-skip Number of environment frames to stack, default=4
-gpu CPU: '0', GPU: '1', default='0'
-load_checkpoint Load a model checkpoint, default=False
-render Render the game to screen ? True/False, default=False
-monitor If True, a video is being saved for each episode, default=False

Training and Playing

  • Training a DuelingDDQN agent from scratch for 400 games
python -n_games 400 -algo 'DuelingDDQNAgent' -train True
  • Training a DDQN agent from checkpoint (if exist) for 30 games with epsilon=0.2 and batch size of 64
python -n_games 30 -algo 'DDQNAgent' -load_checkpoint True -epsilon 0.2 -bs 64 -train True
  • Playing 10 games with a saved DQN agent checkpoint using a deterministic policy (epsilon=0), render to screen and save as a video
python -n_games 10 -algo 'DQNAgent' -load_checkpoint True -epsilon 0.0 -eps_min 0.0 -render True -monitor True
  • Playing 5 games with an untrained DuelingDQN agent using an epsilon-greedy policy with epsilon=0.2 and render to screen
python -n_games 5 -algo 'DuelingDQNAgent' -epsilon 0.2 -eps_dec 0.0 -render True -monitor True


  • If training from checkpoint, the agent also upload previous saved scores, steps and epsilon arrays, such that the training process continues from where it stopped.
  • For playing with an agent using an epsilon-greedy policy with some specific epsilon (i.e 0.1), you need to set eps_dec=0.0 (-eps_dec 0.0). Otherwise, epsilon would get smaller at each step by the eps_dec value.


[1] Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning (2015)

[2] Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning (2015)

[3] Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning (2016)

[4] Modern Reinforcement Learning: Deep Q Learning in PyTorch Course - Phil Tabor (great comprehensive course about DQN algorithms)