miscresults(): fix ?possible bug relating to coeff/term linkage
miscresults(): fix ?possible bug relating to coeff/term linkage
Tweak to level-not-applicable display in miscresults
Tweak to level-not-applicable display in miscresults
Shift from tibble to data.table for speed in pulsetable code
Shift from tibble to data.table for speed in pulsetable code
Bugfix to datetimefunc when include_interval_table=FALSE
Bugfix to datetimefunc when include_interval_table=FALSE
replace composite stopifnot() calls, to be more informative to the user
replace composite stopifnot() calls, to be more informative to the user
Markdown flavour conversion
Markdown flavour conversion
Add t_since_last to pulsetables
Add t_since_last to pulsetables
fix typo bug in extracting ANOVA tables
fix typo bug in extracting ANOVA tables
Output tweaking for ANOVA models
Output tweaking for ANOVA models
Testing Stan group assumptions; refactoring of ANOVA formatting code
Testing Stan group assumptions; refactoring of ANOVA formatting code
Improve mk_model_anova_coeffs to handle lmer models etc.
Improve mk_model_anova_coeffs to handle lmer models etc.
Debugging reports for ANOVA models
Debugging reports for ANOVA models
fix pulsetable code; was a bug with out-of-sequence event times, and …
fix pulsetable code; was a bug with out-of-sequence event times, and …
error reporting for pulsetables
error reporting for pulsetables
error reporting for pulsetables
error reporting for pulsetables
experimenting with markdown in flextable captions
experimenting with markdown in flextable captions
Some experimentation with flextable footnotes and some more UTF8 char…
Some experimentation with flextable footnotes and some more UTF8 char…
Check mk_model_anova_coeffs() works OK with boolean predictors
Check mk_model_anova_coeffs() works OK with boolean predictors
split options for reference levels
split options for reference levels
Fix handling of logical (Boolean) levels for summarize_multiple_cph()
Fix handling of logical (Boolean) levels for summarize_multiple_cph()
Checking linear/factor interaction reporting
Checking linear/factor interaction reporting
Use local() for library loading
Use local() for library loading